
Anne-Charlotte BELON


En résumé

Telecom Project Manager
double skill Engineer & Marketing
specialized in Innovation and Digital

Mes compétences :
Project Management
Project marketing
Product marketing


  • Orange - Project Director, Manager and Innovation Business Developer

    Paris 2014 - maintenant + Management of ICE (Innovative Customer Experience) team; this project is based on the previous activity, with a user-centric approach, a method of co-construction with the partner and the agility of a start up
    + Marketing of innovation and business development
    + Declension of the group strategic vision; internal communication
    + Construction of new applications, coaching startups (Orange Fab) and attention to new markets; activation of partnerships to co-innovate
  • Orange - Innovative services Project Manager (technologies: NFC, big data, BLE, Wi-Fi HD, captive portal)

    Paris 2011 - 2014 + Promotion of innovative services and Orange brand during demonstrations of which Roland-Garros (> 460K visitors), Women’s Forum (the most influential women), Paris Motor Show (> 1,2M visitors)
    o definition of uses joining the priorities of the group / elaboration of new services
    o coordination within Orange (until 10 entities) and in extern
    o operational set up of the projects; management of the suppliers; negotiation of extern costs

    + Development of partners relations (BNPP, Mastercard, IBM, BPCE, PMU, Disney, Lagardère, Stade de France) and support of the business entities for the calls of tenders of Arena and new infrastructures

    + Coaching of a start-up selected in Orange Fab

    + Participation to pilots led with Air France, SANEF, Vinci Park and Edenred

    + Global management of project (budgeting, roadmap, reporting, communication); in line with the strategic marketing

    + Implementation of a catalogue of services accessible via SAAS platform for the event planners
  • Orange Vallee - Marketing tablet Project Manager

    Paris 2009 - 2011 + Negotiations and coordination of partner placement: Youtube, Facebook, Wikipedia, ViaMichelin, Dailymotion, eBay, Deezer etc.
    for the first touchscreen tablet "tabbee" launched on the market, in 2009, earlier than “iPad” - 15 000 samples

    + In charge of development of partnerships applications and key features: TV, radio.

    + Promotion of the tablet on events in relation with the communication entities of the group
  • Orange Labs – Explocentre - Technical Manager

    2007 - 2009 + Creation, set up and management of a team in charge of specifications; role of interface between specifiers and project teams (domains: robots, TV services, community, 3D virtual reality)

    + Analysis of opportunity on cinema 3D: state of the art studies, concept, technical feasibility, business elements, elaboration of recommendations

    + Management of services development (IM, forum, blog, navigation, moderation, help, identification, etc.) on the project Lookaround, 3D virtual reality
  • Orange Labs - R&D - Study and Development Engineer

    2004 - 2007 + Realization of an IP networks application of video-telephony supporting the standard MGCP


  • Institut Eurecom

    Sophia Antipolis 2001 - 2002 Communications multimédia
  • Institut National des Télécommunications

    Evry 2000 - 2003 Engineering degree at Telecom INT (Telecom Sud Paris, Evry, France).Engineering

    + certificate Eurecom Institute (Sophia-Antipolis, France). Multimedia Communications specialization.
    + Master in Images and Vision.
  • Université Paris VII

    Paris 1997 - 2000 Maîtrise de Physique et Applications


Annuaire des membres :