


En résumé

I am the acting CEO of Thépenier Pharma (€14.4 M - 110 people) - a subsidiary of Nippon Shikizai Inc., a listed company at the Tokyo Stock Exchange - which dedicates its activities to the development, manufacturing and packaging of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products (dermatological & skin care, Ear Nose Throat, oral care and makeup products).

For over a year, I have been heading all the operations of the company, while retaining direct management of Administration & Finance, Sales and Purchase departments. I am also the Plant manager of the company.

Since 2013, together with the President and with the support of a renewed management team, we established a corporate restructuring process based on a strategic policy which aim was to stimulate productive investment, modernize and automate Thépenier Pharma's industrial equipment, restructure purchase and overhead accounting items and boost our R&D creativity. All this in a context of refocusing Thépenier Pharma on its core business.

As a matter of fact, 3 years later, the restructuring process led to doubling production operators’ individual productivity, to the systematization of 3-shift work in the factory, to a 45% turnover organic growth and eventually to restoring the company's profitability (OP = 5% of the turnover knowing that the company had been in deficit for over 10 yrs). That said, we remain humble before these achievements and look forward to pursuing our efforts to reach critical size by 2020, thanks to the implementation of a continuous improvement policy.

All in all, in the framework of my professional career, I acquired and refined the following skills:
- Corporate (re)structuring
- Administration & Finance (including purchase, insurance and IT)
- Marketing & sales strategy
- HR management
- Business Law
- Supply chain management
- Intercultural management.

I am a member of the Executive Committee and Works Council and chair the Health & Safety Committee.

I speak fluent French and English.

Mes compétences :
Commerce international
Gestion budgétaire
Communication institutionnelle
Contrôle de gestion
Gestion du changement
Droit des affaires
Politique d'investissements
Gestion de trésorerie
Gestion financière et comptable
Paie et gestion RH
Approvisionnement et achats
Restructuration d'entreprise
Asie de l'est - Chine, Japon et Corée
Stratégie d'entreprise
Direction commerciale


  • Thépenier Pharma - Directeur Général

    2017 - maintenant
  • Thépenier Pharma - Directeur Général Adjoint et Directeur du site de production

    2015 - maintenant
  • Thépenier Pharma - Directeur Général Adjoint Administration, Finances, Commercial RH

    2014 - 2015
  • Thépenier Pharma - Directeur Administratif et Financier et DRH

    2013 - 2014
  • JIMEI International - Directeur Administratif et Financier et DRH

    2010 - 2012
  • Centre de Médiation et d'arbitrage de Paris - Responsable des opérations et du développement international

    2008 - 2009
  • CMAP - Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris - Consultant senior et Responsable du développement international

    2003 - 2007
  • CMAP - Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris - Consultant junior

    2001 - 2003


  • Université Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne IAE PARIS (Paris)

    Paris 2008 - 2010 Master of Business Administration (MBA)

  • Université Paris 2 Pantheon Assas

    Paris 1999 - 2000 DESS Contentieux, Arbitrage et Modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits
  • Université Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne

    Paris 1997 - 1998 DEA Droit des affaires
  • Université Catholique De Louvain (Belgique) UCL (Louvain)

    Louvain 1997 - 1998 DES Droit économique

    economy, law & economics, financial law, competition law


Annuaire des membres :