

Les Clayes-sous-Bois

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Administration de bases de données
Storage Area Network


  • Bull - L3 HPC Support engineer

    Les Clayes-sous-Bois 2014 - maintenant I am a member of the L3 International HPC support team. My job is to provide advanced support to our L2 support team, by writing documentation, organization of trainings or direct support on corner cases. One of my key task is to be an interface between the support and Bull's R&D and storage vendors (DDN, ClusterStor, Netapp). To achieve this goal, I am acting in the control change boards of storage-related projects (storage subsystems and Lustre parallel filesystems).

    Since September 2015, I am also the technical leader of the Global Storage 1000 (GS1K) platform, the high-performance storage infrastructure of the Tera 1000 HPC clusters.
    - Installation of the GS1K storage cluster (50+ PB, 750+ GB/s)
    - Configuration, tuning, verification and validation of performance commitments
    - Monitoring of technical developments, hardware and software
    - Continuous optimization of the software stack
  • Bull - HPC Storage Engineer

    Les Clayes-sous-Bois 2012 - 2014 I have been an onsite HPC storage engineer for a key account, hosting petaflop-class HPC clusters.

    My main activities were:
    - Detection, prevention and analysis of storage failures
    - Development of specific tools
    - Editing of test procedures
    - Modification of existing facilities
    - Global support package
  • CS Communication & systemes - Systems Engineer

    Le Plessis-Robinson 2007 - 2012 I was a member of a ten-person technical support team for a key customer.

    My responsibilities were both varied and interesting: modeling and integration of new Open Source technologies, installation of distributed systems, storage and IT system administration, development of administration tools for L1 support, writing of procedures and support to users.
  • Circem - Consultant/Développeur

    EGLY 2006 - 2007 My work was split in three activities: development, set-up of software and training. I worked on several projects for a wide customer basis. This experience has been really interesting since I have been exposed to several customers environments and needs.
  • OMNOVA Solutions France - Administrateur système

    2002 - 2006 I was in charge of the IT systems of the company. My tasks were mainly to supervise and maintain the IT (installation, fix, backup), to provide support to end-users and to develop some reporting tools upon the SGBD of the ERP to improve commercial analysis.



Annuaire des membres :