
Dominique DELMAS


En résumé

Dominique Delmas is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the university of Bourgogne and he directs the license of biochemistry and molecular biology. Since 2012, he exercises the function of Vice-President Finance, Budget, Investment and Pilotage of the University of Bourgogne.

In the Inserm Research Center Unit U866 “Lipids, Nutrition, Cancers”, Dominique Delmas manages a research group where he supervises post-doctorants, PhD and Master students.
The main research objectives of his group are to develop and to coordinate multidisciplinary and translational research from laboratory to clinical applications, including 1) the determination of early biomarkers in response to treatment; 2) the identification of new potential targets and the development of new therapeutic strategies by the use of molecules with low toxicity (i.e. polyphenols).

His research is also oriented towards industrial transfer by developing research programs in which he determines the health potential of natural molecules / extracts or synthetic molecules by studying their molecular and cellular mechanisms of action in vitro and in vivo in various degenerative diseases (cancers, inflammatory and immune diseases, ocular degenerative diseases).
In this area, he supplies also a scientific support and an expertise towards industrials in the fields of nutraceutics, cosmofoods, inflammation, lipid metabolism, and immune response.


  • Université de Bourgogne, Centre de Recherche Inserm U866 "Lipides, Nutrition, Cancers" - Professeur des Universités

    2014 - maintenant
  • Université de Bourgogne - Vice-Président de l'Université de Bourgogne, délégué aux Finances, au Budget et aux Investissements

    Dijon 2012 - maintenant
  • Université de Bourgogne - Vice-Président de l'Université de Bourgogne délégué au Pilotage

    Dijon 2012 - maintenant
  • Université de Bourgogne - Directeur de la Licence L3 de Biochimie-Biologie Moléculaire

    Dijon 2007 - maintenant
  • Université de Bourgogne - Maître de Conférences en Biochimie - Biologie Moléculaire

    Dijon 2004 - 2014


Pas de formation renseignée


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