
Florent FAURE


En résumé

En recherche de thèse

Mes compétences :
Analyse de cycle de vie
Analyse des résultats
Test mécanique, thermique, observation
Caractérisation des matériaux
Science des matériaux
Injection plastique
Matériaux composites


  • La poste - Postman

    Paris-15E-Arrondissement 2016 - maintenant Advertising and letters delivery. Registered sorting
  • Université de Technologie de Compiègne - Internship

    Compiègne 2014 - 2014 Study of moisture and thermal aging on shear properties of interlock composites. Identification of damage mechanisms with acoustic emission, MEB, 2D digital image correlation and high-speed camera.
  • Ecole des mines d'Alès - Internship

    Alès 2013 - 2013 Study of thermo-shrinkage phenomenon on stretched polymers. Implementation by calendering, characterization of shrinkage force by TMA and instrumentation of calendering with photomechanical process.
  • Plastimo Marine - Internship

    2012 - 2012 Feasibility study on flexible tanks on board ships. Improvement of existing bladder, conduct research and study material structure for fuel, waste water and hot water tanks.
  • SGS CTS - Laboratory Technician

    Arcueil 2010 - 2011 Mechanical and inflammability tests on toys. Materials researches for the new toy standard.
  • SGS CTS - Internship

    Arcueil 2010 - 2010 Mechanical and inflammability tests on toys. Standards and materials researches for the creation of the Small Childcare Department. Researches of quotes and orders.


  • University Of South Britanny

    Lorient 2012 - 2014 Master

    Eco-Design is a specialty which involve the conception of products with a low impact on the environment and health. It corresponds to a global approach of all environmental impact (water, air, soil, noise, waste, raw materials, energy, ...) on the whole of product cycle life. It contains its elaboration, its use and end of life treatment including the logistics at all stages.

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  • University Of South Britanny

    Lorient 2011 - 2012 Vocational degree in Composites, Polymers and Environment
  • IUT Saint Jérôme

    Marseille 2008 - 2010 Two-year technological degree in Physical Measuring
  • Lycée L'Emperi

    Salon De Provence 2005 - 2008 Science bachelor degree


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