
Francois-Xavier SIRETA


En résumé

Graduated with a Master degree in marine engineering from Ecole Centrale de Marseille (France) and followed the master degree course in marine engineering at NTNU (Norway).

Three years’ experience as a project manager and technical lead and in DNV GL Singapore, selling and delivering technical advisory for naval architecture projects to the oil and gas and maritime industry, including hydrodynamics analysis, hydro-structure coupling and structural analysis. Member of the global DNV GL technical committee driving the company technical developments in fluid dynamics and structure.

Eight years’ experience as a research engineer and hydro-structure product leader at Bureau Veritas head office in France. Focus on hydro-structure interactions in seakeeping. Lead developer of the Bureau Veritas Homer software. Responsible for software and methodologies development for hydro-structure coupling for the global strength and fatigue assessment of floating structures for the offshore, shipping and renewable energies industry. Developed numerical tools and methods to address issues specific to shipping and offshore such as seakeeping/sloshing coupling, springing and whipping.
Responsible for the promotion and selling of the software and methods, and for the training and support of engineers for the use those tools.

Project manager and technical expert role on multiple projects for naval architecture and hydrodynamics for ultra large container vessels FPSO, FLNG, LNG carriers, Semi-Submersible, offshore support vessels and floating wind turbines.

Main author and co-author of several papers published at international conferences.

Mes compétences :
structural analysis
technical training
stochastic analysis
research and development experience
offshore support
good communication skills
dynamic structural analysis
bid management
Strong technical skills
Software development
Python Programming
Offshore Oil & Gas
Gestion de projet
Analyse stochastique
Statistiques de houle
Tenue a la mer
Développement commercial
Développement informatique
Architecture navale
Analyse vibratoire
Mécanique des structures
Mécanique des fluides
Recherche scientifique
Expertise technique


  • DNV GL Singapore - Project manager – hull lead

    2016 - maintenant • Seconded from DNV GL to AIBEL for 1 year as project manager and hull lead for the naval architecture scope of work on the Greater Enfield Development FPSO project.
    • Assisted Aibel to deliver the naval architecture scope of work to the satisfaction of their client Woodside and of the classification society for the project, Lloyds Register.
    • Selected the appropriate technical solutions to optimize the project scope and reduce the costs whilst satisfying regulations

    FPSO Hull engineering - Greater Enfield development detailed design
    Hull design premise in compliance with LR, Woodside and ISO standards
    FPSO seakeeping analysis
    Strength and spectral fatigue analysis of topsides/hull connection based on direct analysis
    Hog and Sag envelopes for topsides design
    Intact and damage trim and stability booklets
    Visibility drawings
    Material and fabrication specification, coating schedule, material take off
  • DNV GL Singapore - Principal engineer – technical lead - floaters

    2016 - maintenant • In charge of leading and developing local technical expertise for floaters structures and hydrodynamics in Singapore and in South-East Asia
    • Project manager for small to large scale projects in the maritime and oil and gas industry, including the Greater Enfield Project for Aibel
    • Contributed to enhance the local sales by demonstrating local technical expertise and benefits for customers
    • Member of the DNV GL technology leadership comity, driving the global technology strategy of the company for advanced numerical simulations
  • DNV GL Singapore - Senior engineer – floating systems

    2014 - 2016 • Senior Engineer in the floating systems division specialized in structural analysis, hydrodynamics and mooring for floaters
    • Developed local competences in Singapore for hydrodynamics, structural analysis and ad hoc software developments, allowing local delivery of advanced technology services
    • Involved in civil engineering and subsea engineering projects where fluid dynamics and structure competences were needed
    • Author of 2 publications presented at international conferences, showcasing the company capabilities
  • Bureau Veritas - Hydro-structure product leader

    Puteaux 2011 - 2014 • Product leader for Bureau Veritas leading software for hydro-structure interactions on ships and floating structures
    • Promoted the design methodology and tools of the company among potential clients and partners worldwide, including major shipyards as well as offshore focused companies
    • Sold software license and support to 4 clients in the first release year
    • Provided training for the partners, clients, and engineers of the company worldwide
    • Supported the engineers of the company and clients with the design methodology and tools, on more than 50 operational projects in the shipping and offshore industry
  • Bureau Veritas - Research engineer – hydrodynamics and structures

    Puteaux 2007 - 2011 • Developed Bureau Veritas leading software for hydro-structure interactions on ships and floating structures considering springing and whipping vibration response to wave loads for strength and fatigue assessment
    • Published 3 papers as a lead author and 5 papers as a co-author focused on the hydro structure interactions in seakeeping
    • Provided training for the partners, clients, and engineers of the company worldwide
  • School of oil and Gas engineering (Perth-Australie) - Research student

    2006 - 2006 • 6 months’ master thesis with Ecole Centrale de Marseille
    • Performed an experimental study on the hydrodynamic behavior of ventilated structures
    • Analyzed the hydrodynamic flow around the structure with PIV experiments
    • Measured the hydrodynamic forces acting on the structures
    • Validated a numerical Fortran code written by Molin B. from Ecole Centrale de Marseille


  • Norwegian University Of Science And Technology (Trondheim)

    Trondheim 2005 - 2006 Masters Degree

    Marine and ocean engineering
    Exchange program with Ecole centrale de Marseille
  • Ecole Centrale Marseille

    Marseille 2003 - 2006 master

    General engineering education, specialization in Marine engineering
  • Lycée Chaptal

    Paris 2001 - 2003 Classe préparatoires aux grandes écoles d'ingenieurs

    Advanced mathematics, physics and engineering sciences
    Preparation for the competitive entrance to the Grandes Écoles
  • Lycée Sacré Coeur (Aix En Provence)

    Aix En Provence 2001 - 2001 secondary school diploma

    Baccalauréat (French secondary school diploma), science major


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