


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Analyse de marché
High tech
Veille stratégique
Coaching professionnel
Coaching d'équipe


  • HUMANDIMENS - Consultant & Coach

    2013 - maintenant ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) since 2014
  • - Consultant - Coach - Facilitator

    2012 - maintenant Member of the ICF
  • Generation TV - Consultant

    2010 - 2010 Drew up preliminary market studies on e-Tourism real time video streaming opportunities for final client
  • AD IAE Aix - Vice-President

    2010 - 2011 In charge of the Commission External Relations
  • AD IAE Aix - Active member

    2009 - 2011 In charge of the Club e-Business & Technologies :
    Organization of monthly workshops regarding e-Business and digital marketing subject matters.

    Member of the Commission External Relations which mission is to develop partnerships with companies and headhunters and promote alumni members.
  • IAE Aix - Consultant

    2008 - 2009 Several missions brought me to work on different topics and industries such as:
    - Business Plan for the marketing of a well-being beverage on a high-end distribution network.
    - Consulting project on a communication plan for a business school
    program: Brought assistance to Program Director in the drafting of strategy and objectives; benchmarking; issuance of short and mid terms recommendations. On-going implementation.
    - Marketing Plan on a new business opportunity for one of the leader
    in out of home advertisement.
    - Strategic Performance Report on a tableware and home decoration
    French company.
    - Marketing Plan for a Service company on a web 2.0 platform.
  • NEC Computers France SAS - Sales Manager

    2005 - 2008 South East Sales Manager
    • Diversified BtoB distribution network - increased number of accredited distributors and key private and public accounts, re-establishing confidence in brand image and building on partnerships
    • Increased business on solutions and services offer
  • NEC Computers France SAS - Professional Services Manager

    2003 - 2005 Reporting to Managing Director and acting as Services & Solutions Director EMEA
    • Created, designed and implemented NEC Professional Services Offer
    • Drafted and implemented Services and Solutions Portfolio "sales pitch" for sales representatives and pre-sales engineers
    • Project Manager on major French public tenders
  • NEC Computers International B.V - Legal Counsel Group - Legal Manager France

    1999 - 2003 Reporting to VP Legal Affairs in the Netherlands
    • B to B and B to C activities with 2 brands
    Created Legal Department in France, winning confidence and credibility from internal clients
    • Legal support to Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, R&D and Logistics BUs: negotiations with APAC software OEM and hardware components suppliers
    •Supervised all major projects; assessed risk and met deadlines
  • Sony Music Entertainment France SA - Junior Business Affairs

    1996 - 1998 Reporting to Legal Manager of Columbia Label
    • Negotiation, drafting and follow-up of industry related agreements
    • Facilitated relations with artists and managers
  • Diamant Vert Asatsu SA - Assistant to the Marketing Director

    1995 - 1996 Canvassing; competitions; pre-tests; working on client's communication strategy


  • The Coaches Training Institute, London - UK (Londres)

    Londres 2012 - 2012 Co-active Coaching curriculum
  • IAE Aix-En-Provence

    Aix 2008 - 2009 MBA

    Change Management & Strategic Innovation
  • Université Aix - Marseille III (Aix En Provence)

    Aix En Provence 1994 - 1995 Master in Telecommunications & Media Law


Annuaire des membres :