


En résumé

Success driven Director & Creative producer, lead by a passion for directing and screenwriting, Former 1st assistant director at Quantic Dream on DETROIT, AAA game entirely shot in motion capture with A listed Hollywood actors. Former Cinematics producer for Machine games, where he co directed in pre production the cinematics, driving performance capture and cinematics design. Lately Cinematic Designer at Ubisoft now looking for new work opportunities as a director or a Cinematic designer.

With a successful track record of delivering TV programs, TV commercials and Corporate films both in the Gulf region and Europe. Working within the film industry since 2011 both in International Sales and Production, on critically acclaimed movies such as Heartbeats (X.Dolan), 2 days in New York (J.Delpy) or Bonsai (C.Jimenez)

Highly motivated self-made man with ability to multi-task and complete assignments as well as manage and overview team's assignments with a strong sense of urgency and teamwork always carried by creativity and a positive mindset. A creative mind who thrives to lead individuals in achieving their goals and full potential.

Mes compétences :
Film production
Broadcast production
International Sales
Project management
Relations internationales
Jeu vidéo


  • Ubisoft - Cinematic Designer

    Montreuil 2019 - 2019 • Cinematic Designing on an unannounced AAA project
    • Analysing and breakdowning Scripts, analysing cinematic and Mo cap requirements
    • Blocking and directing scenes in the Ubisoft Dialogue editor tool
    • Working with many teams on a daily basis (Quest & level designers, artists, lighting, props, chara, env, writers…)
    • Helping Juniors cinematic designers, sharing creative knowledge and problem solving on a daily basis
  • MachineGames - Cinematics Producer

    2018 - 2018 • Production & co directing (storyboards + shooting ) of Cinematics for Wolfenstein Youngblood, script doctoring of main story
    • Management and preparation for PCAP Shooting with A listed US actors, Working alongside performance director Tom keegan on Performance capture shooting & Trailers' Vo recording session
    • Designing pipelines for realtime cutscenes and managing outsource vendor such as cubic motion
    • Co-Directing of storyboards for Pre rendered and Realtime Cutscenes, blocking scenes, review of casting...
    • Creation of new pipeline and workflows through Hansoft to adapt to realtime cutscenes
    • AAA Creative production of Cinematics for WOLFENSTEIN, narrative production of events, & main Story. Narrative planning for Wolfenstein VR experience: CYBERPILOT
    • Feedback of the main script to improve narratives and cinematics story telling
    • Management and Preparation for MOCAP shooting with high end international Stunts performers
    • Planning for props, environments, lighting, FX, sound and post production of PCAP for facial & body animations
    • Management of Cinematics budget, communication and negociation with Contractors and vendors
  • Quantic Dream - 1st Assistant Director : DETROIT

    Paris 2016 - 2016 • Management of all motion capture filming during 9 months for a AAA game on PS4 (planning, preparation, filming)
    • Reorganization of the production pipeline for the whole filming process in order to increase productivity
    • Management of A listed US actors, organization of Stunts filming with prestigious coordinators.
    • Supervision of the shooting team, reporting to the lead, daily work with directors (casting, blocking, script…)
  • Freelance - Producer / Project Manager

    • Production & directing of a dozen TV commercials (including ads for Mission Impossible, Paranormal Activity)
    • Script writing & Script Doctoring and film financing advice for several feature and short projects
    • Production of GFX & visuals for the NRJ MUSIC AWARDS, liners of international artists (Justin Bieber...)
    • Freelance for the directing team of French 3D animation Studio TEAM TO for 2 months in 2017 (known for Skylander Activision/ Netflix series)
    • Film adaptation project of a multiple Ennie award winning game
  • Sixtine Création - Project Manager / Director of Production

    Paris 2014 - 2015 Support and creative advice of high-profile clients such as L’OREAL, DIOR, ICADE
    • Production and directing of more than 30 Corporate films (for L'Oréal, Dior, Icade), and 5 TV advertisements
    • Developement of a TV program Bible : 10 documentaries’ synopsis with world class directors and journalists
  • Qatar Television - Chief Producer

    2012 - 2013 Support the creation and manage the production of a unique documentary unit in Middle east for the launch of the national television channel in Qatar :
    • Production of 22 documentaries (26') from synopsis to delivery, in 15 countries, all broadcasted in prime time
    • Designing and writing of bibles for 26 and 52 minutes documentary series, directing alongside editor
    • Working alongside directors and senior reporters from CNN, BBC, AP, CAPA, ARTE
    • Planning and scheduling for a department of 45 people, quality control of the documentaries final cut
    • Management of directors and senior reporters
    • Creation and implement of 90 steps of communication and productivity process
    • Planning and scheduling management for a department of 45 people
    • Produced more than 50 highly accurate quotations for 26 to 90 min. programs in 35 countries
  • Rezo Films - Head of festivals

    2011 - 2011 MISSION:

    • Responsable de la carrière internationale des films en festivals


    • Prospection et gestion des sélections de films dans plus de 90 festivals cinématographiques : TORONTO, CANNES, BERLIN, VENISE, SUNDANCE, DEAUVILLE, TOKYO, DUBAI, TRIBECA...
    • Gestion d'un line up et d'un catalogue de plus de 100 films : 2 DAYS IN NEW YORK, LES AMOURS IMAGINAIRES, LE TABLEAU, BONSAI, RETURN, KHODORKOVSKY, FROZEN RIVER...
    • Management des copies de films, création/labos, transport/festivals, gestion/sous-traitant
    • Le chiffre d'affaires des ventes festivals a doublé sur la période de management
    • Gestion de l'invitation des talents

    English Description:

    •Prospection and follow up of features selections in more than 90 film festivals: TORONTO, CANNES, BERLIN, VENICE, SUNDANCE, DEAUVILLE, TOKYO, DUBAI, TRIBECA
    • Management of the line up and film library, with over 100 features: 2 DAYS IN NEW YORK, HEARTBEATS, LE TABLEAU, BONSAI, RETURN, KHODORKOVSKY, FROZEN RIVER
    • Supervision of digital and 35mm prints, creation/labs, transport/festivals, communication/contractor
    • Direct revenue impact leading to a doubling of the festival sales income
  • Festival de Cannes - Intern Cinéfondation

    2011 - 2011
  • Freelance - Filmmaker / Visual Story Teller / Cinematic Director

    2010 - maintenant Available for new work opportunities, both remote work and available to relocate : Cinematic directing / cinematic designing / filmmaking opportunities - AAA - Mocap/PCAP - Features


  • Institut Études Politiques (IEP) De Toulouse

    Toulouse 2011 - 2012 Master 2 Sciences Politiques: Relations Internationales

    Mention Bien
    économie, droit et gestion
  • ESEC - Ecole Supérieure D'Etudes Cinématographiques ESEC (Paris)

    Paris 2009 - 2011 Maitrise en Production Cinématographique

    Production Audiovisuelle, Production de Longs métrage, court métrage, film publicitaire, direction de production.

    Mention Bien
    Major de promotion 2011: Cycle 2 Parcours Production.
  • Université Angers Langues et civilisations étrangères (Anglais)

    Angers 2006 - 2008 Licence de Lettres modernes parcours Histoire contemporaine


Annuaire des membres :