


En résumé

Domaines de compétences
- Analyse financière dans un environnement multiculturel
- Contrôle de gestion, analyse commerciale, reporting : pilotage, coordination, consolidation
- Fiscalité, comptabilité Usgaap et française, réconciliations, audit et conformité
- Conduite de projets ERP (SAP-JDE-Oracle) et reporting (HFM, Hyperion, Excel)
- Management et formation

Mes compétences :
Contrôle de gestion


  • Parallel Design - General Electric Healthcare - Finance manager

    2007 - maintenant Parallel Design Nice - TO $9 millions - 30 Headcount

    Partnered with business GM to deliver / exceed operating income target by +$0.7MLed finance and operation reviews with site leader, improving the reporting visibility for P&L and Balance Sheet areas.

    Reduced fixed costs (by $30K and 5% of cost avoidance), service fees (by $8K of cost avoidance), Travel exp (by $57M and 23% versus LY).
    Identified +0.5M of Base Cost savings through French government R&D subsidies for 2007 and 2008.

    Led training of finance analyst to improve technical accounting capabilities and overall productivity. Has resulted in being able to empower and stretch analyst to take on additional responsibilities.

    Improved closing procedures and controls by working with Global Controller to develop standard Quarter-close reporting and consolidation files, resulting in shorter close timing and fewer late entries corrections.

    Developed improved reporting of COGS, OVCs, Program Costs, etc. which has resulted in better visibility to SM, CM, and OM and performance and predictability.

    Ensured Balance Sheet compliance with French STAT and US GAAP accounting requirements. Improved coordination with the pole controller and developed new methods for calculating Inventory obso / slow moving reserve, warranty provisions, P&E, Uninvoiced receipts, FX balance adjustments.

    Actively managed cash flow (AR, AP, Inventory) in second half Year +$1.8M and bad debts (-$66K and -44%) by coordinating accounting, OTR, and operation managers.
  • Chubb Sécurité (Groupe UTC) - FP&A Manager

    Warren 2004 - 2007 Financial planning and analysis manager 2004-2007
    Chubb Sécurité France, Cergy – TO 2006 : €255 millions – 1389 Headcount

    • Responsible of the group reporting, consolidation of 12 entities in US GAAP
    • Contact between Chubb Securité and Chubb central Europe or UTC Fire and Security WHQ
    • Presentation of monthly results to the FD/MD – analysis of variances, comments.
    • Preparation and reporting of budget, forecast, midmonth.
    • Responsible of the restructuring, investments and acquisitions/disposals programs.
    • Role of coordinating, advising, training business controllers concerning their reporting work.
    • european pilot for the implementation of Hyperion HFM, implementationof JD Edwards.

    Financial Controller, right hand of the FD - Chubb Belgium 2001-2004

    • Responsible of the group reporting, consolidation of 5 belgian entities (UK Gaap)
    • Support of the finance director for preparation of files : restructuring, acquisitions,...
    • Preparation and reporting of budget, forecast, management reports, midmonth, flashs.
    • Responsible of internal reporting : P&L per activity, analysis of overheads, orders and sales, margins, installation and price variances.
  • SAPPI - South African Pulp and Paper Industry - Chief accountant

    1999 - 2001 Worldwide Leader of paper production TO 2000: $4.7billions – 19276 HC

    Chief accountant, Sappi Europe (european head office TO €1650m) 2000-2001

    Chief accountant, Sappi International (treasury center) 1999
  • Buropapier S.A, Group INAPA - Financial controller and IT Manager

    1996 - 1999
  • Cosmetic Active Belgilux, Group L’Oréal - Accountant

    1994 - 1996


  • ICHEC ( Institut Cathol. Hautes Etudes Commerciales ) (Woluwé St Pierre Bruxelles)

    Woluwé St Pierre Bruxelles 1995 - 1998 Licence spéciale en sciences commerciales et financières

    Cours du soir
  • Haute Ecole Ephec (Woluwe Saint Lambert)

    Woluwe Saint Lambert 1991 - 1994 Graduat en comptabilité
  • Université Catholique De Louvain (Louvain La Neuve)

    Louvain La Neuve 1989 - 1991 Candidature en sc. économiques, politiques et sociales 1989-91


Annuaire des membres :