
Isabelle NAAS


En résumé

Désireuse d'apprendre toujours plus, j'aime à chercher et découvrir les histoires se cachant derrière des molécules, des organismes, pour ensuite pouvoir les raconter au plus grand nombre.
Je m'épanouis dans tout ce qui à trait à la biologie moléculaire, et encore plus à ce qui concerne les récentes avancées sur les microbiotes.

Curieuse, passionnée, autonome et appréciant le travail en équipe, je suis en recherche d'un poste d'ingénieur ou d'un doctorat.

Mes compétences :
Molecular Biology
Population genetics
Field work
Plant virus inoculation
Microsoft office
Cell biology
Cell culture
Gel electrophoresis
Affinity purification
Protein purification
Reverse transcription
Scientific writing
DNA extraction
RNA isolation
Worm culture
Bacterial culture


  • Inra - Ingénieur d'Etudes

    Paris 2016 - 2017 Construction d'une souche de probiotique produisant une protéine à effet anti-inflammatoire sur les colites, confinée biologiquement.
  • INRA - Study Engineer

    Paris 2015 - 2016 Looking for the link between the structure and the function of an anti-inflammatory protein.
    Cloning of different variants of the protein, deletion of specific regions of the protein, and comparison of the action of those proteins with the first studied native one. (Microbiology, cloning, construction of mutants, cell culture, transfection, cellular tests)
    Expression of the protein in a yeast model. (Cloning, Yeast transformation, DNA and RNA extraction and analysis, protein extraction, SDS-PAGE polyacrylamide gels, western blot, ...)
  • INRA - Engineer Assistant in Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Paris 2014 - 2015 Unravelling of the mechanisms underlying the positive effects of two probiotic strains on gut permeability.
    6 months contract, in collaboration with Danone France.

    Bacterial electro-transformation, mutant bank, cell culture
  • INRA - Engineer Assistant in Molecular Biology and Lab Technologies

    Paris 2011 - 2012 French National Institute of Agricultural Research - UMR 1349 IGEPP - Agrocampus Ouest - Université Rennes 1 - Le Rheu

    June-December 2011 : Development of a detection test for the Potato Virus Y by reverse transcription and DNA amplification at constant temperature.
    ELISA immuno-enzymatic test detecting the PVY.

    January-July 2012 : Development of a detection test aiming to detect all possible variants of the Potato Virus Y by an immuno-enzymatic technique (ELISA assay):
    Screen of a wide bank of monoclonal antibodies against the PVY, tobaco culture and virus inoculation, selection of interesting antibodies, purification and study of those antibodies
    Attempts to predict the fixation sites of the antibodies to the virus molecule.
  • Adeva Travail Temporaire - Temporary Worker

    2010 - 2011 Diverses missions d'intérim, en industrie, préparation de commandes, ménage, blanchisserie...
  • Université de Rennes 1 - Engineer Assistant

    2009 - 2009 CNRS UMR6552 Ethos - Ethologie Animale et Humaine, Université Rennes 1.

    Continuation of the research internship about Red-Winged Starlings.
    Finalization of the data, redaction of an article on the vocal and social behaviour of distinct South African starling groups.
    Coding of the notes composing the whistles, and beginning of the analysis of the different note sequences by a phylogeny software (POY), to see if there are geographic / social group / whistle type patterns to be revealed.
  • CNRS - Research Engineer Trainee

    Paris 2009 - 2009 CNRS UMR6552 Ethos, Université Rennes 1.

    Song variation and population identity in an African bird: Onychognathus morio, the Red-Winged Starling.
    Acoustic study and classification of vocalizations of an African starling, a songbird with a complex vocal system, and living in different social systems ;
    investigation of repertoire structure and sharing in the different social systems ;
    management of a 3 week field mission (playback experiments, discrimination test of vocal variations between geographic groups) ; statistic studies.
  • Universitat de Barcelona - Research Engineer Trainee

    2008 - 2008 University of Barcelona - Facultat de Biologia - Departament de Genètica

    Tracking thermal adaptation: gametic associations between microsatellite loci and chromosomal arrangements in a Drosophila species that has been introduced recently in America.
    - Improvement of molecular biology techniques and methods, bioinformatics, population genetics.
    - Participation to a poster for a congress (Simões, Calabria, Picão-Osório, Naas, Serra, Balanyà & Pascual. 2009. Inversion Polymorphisms and Linkage Disequilibrium Patterns in Ancestral and Invasive Populations of Drosophila subobscura. 12th ESEB Congress, Turin, Italy)
  • Cryostar - Office Employee

    HESINGUE 2008 - 2008 Summer job:
    sorting and classification of documents, digitalisation, data capture, Microsoft Excel, preparation of Power Points for oral presentations...
  • Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés - Research Engineer Trainee

    2008 - 2008 CNRS UMR5023 Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Fluviaux, Domaine scientifique La Doua

    Regressive evolution of light detection pigments in the dark: molecular evolution of LWS opsin gene in subterranean aquatic Crustaceans (Eumalacostraca).
    DNA and RNA extraction, reverse transcription, quantitative PCR, sequence alignment, phylogenetic analyses.
  • Inserm - Research Technician Trainee

    PARIS 13 2007 - 2007 CNRS UMR5201 INSERM Génétique Moléculaire,Signalisation&Cancer, Faculté de Médecine Grange Blanche

    Screening investigation for partners of the daf-18 gene, homologous to the PTEN oncogene in C. elegans, that affect the worms' longevity.
    bacterial culture, worm culture, RNA interference, PCR, backcross, plasmidic DNA extraction.
  • Transgene - Research Technician Trainee

    Illkirch Graffenstaden Cedex 2006 - 2006 Purification of a protein and in vitro assay of its activity, in the context of treatment of certain cancers.
    Protein production in bacteria, protein extraction and purification, HPLC chromatography, cell culture.


  • Ecole Normale Supérieure Sciences ENS

    Lyon 2007 - 2009 Master Biosciences

    Subjects: Molecular zoology, Molecular evolution, evo/devo, Pathologies microbes and evolution, Normal and Pathological cell.
    Conference sessions about Biodiversity, Comparative Genomics and Paleontology.

    14 week internship in genetic evolution - evolution and temperature - Barcelona (2008)
    14 week internship in evolution-ethology - management of a field work in South Africa - Rennes (2009)
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure

    Lyon 2006 - 2007 Licence in Molecular and Cell Biology

    Biologie - Biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, viroligy, genomics, introduction to statistics, to phylogeny, to bioinformatics and to bibliographic analysis.

    8 week research internship.
  • IUT Nancy Brabois

    Villers Les Nancy 2004 - 2006 DUT (Technical University Diploma) in Biological engeneering

    option in Biological and Biochemical analyses

    Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Genetics, Virology, Microbiology, Hematology, Immunology, Parasitology, Pharmacology, Lab techniques, Cell culture, Statistics, Physics.

    10 week research internship, at Transgene SA, Strasbourg, France
  • Lycée Jean Rostand

    Strasbourg 2003 - 2004 Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Informatics.
  • Lycée Lavoisier

    Mulhouse 2001 - 2003 Bac S - option SVT

    Baccalauréat S - Mention Bien


Annuaire des membres :