


En résumé

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    2015 - maintenant Responsibilities and Duties :

    - Responsible for the dispatch of all materials in support of Esso’s offshore activities related to FPSO and Drilling Ship, and the day to day management of the manpower & equipments required to assist the Delivery Team.

    - Ensure that all SAP Good Issues are posted accurately in Total dummy SAP system as per Stock Management procedure agreed with Esso.

    - Meet deadlines and demands of Esso representatives, including problem solving and anticipating difficulties.

    - Provide handling and packing for the preparation of baskets and containers used for issuing all material required, with an emphasis of safe systems and methods.

    - Achieve and maintain a high standard of efficiency, productivity and morale amongst subordinates and access their abilities and performance.

    - Operate SAP system relative to job functions, collect all information in order to issue the Manifest / Freight Way Bill for all material leaving with appropriate authorization and stamps.

    - Demonstrate personal commitment to the HSE Policy.

    - Maintain awareness and ensure compliance with all relevant Statutory and Company HSE standards.

    - Actively participate in Company safety awareness and initiative schemes.

    - Act in the best interest of the affiliate at all the times.

    - Seek out learning opportunities and transfer new skills and knowledge to the job.

    2014 - 2015 Responsibilities and Duties :

    - Provide technical assistance in controlling and reporting stock movements.

    - Perform and control stock movements.

    - Perform and maintain materials parameters within Company’s data system in coordination with relevant Technical Administrators and Stock Supervisor.

    - Clear records and documentation related to this activity.

    - Use UNISUP (SAP applications for Total subsidiaries) as core system.

    - Process stock transfer order for materials issues and follow up until physical handover to final requester.

    - Control that good movements are performed at the right time in UNISUP.

    - Follow pending materials reception in collaboration with shipping teams until the physical delivery and custom clearance.

    - Control material receptions and movements performed by reception and warehouse personnel.

    - Track materials returns from the rig or contractors and perform relevant input in the data system.

    - Perform periodical stock inventory control of materials stored in the warehouse, pipe yard or contractors facilities, issue reports and implement the necessary actions.

    - Assist and support Logistic representatives during physical counting and control the respect of physical counting procedure.

    - Be responsible of consistency between physical and UNISUP stock data (mainly stock quantities and consumption)

    - Follow materials storage conditions in coordination with Logistic representatives and warehouse team, and initiate actions when inspection, repair and/or moving are needed.

    - Participate to internal and external audits, and take necessary actions as instructed by hierarchy, for tracking materials, searching related documentation and processing regularizations.

    - Provide periodic reporting (weekly, monthly).

    - Be responsible for the promotion of Company safety, environment and quality policies and programs, and carry out HSE specific duties and responsibilities related to the job.

    2014 - 2014 Responsibilities and Duties :

    - Provide consulting services and supervision regarding Logistics & Waste on the Drilling Site.

    - Responsible for ensuring all rig equipments, materials and services are sent to rig in time

    - Ensure the day to day management of the manpower and equipments required : cranes, trailers, forklifts, tippers, tankers and vacuum trucks.

    - Responsible for all goods issues, receptions and storage.

    - Solve daily problems with technical and operational solutions

    - Responsible for safety and environmental issues

    - Check and approve all records of daily work by service contractors - Cooperate and coordinate with the purchasing department

    - Assure cost control and maintain an up to date daily cost

    - Translate and coordinate actions between the French crew and the others contractors

    - Assist & Report to the Senior Drilling Supervisor
  • ARDAGH - Supply Chain Coordinator

    2013 - 2014 Challenger les process, flux et outils.
    Planification / Ordonnancement. Analyse et gestion de plan de production, intégration des prévisions...
    Optimisation des stocks et maximisation du taux de service client.
    Management des activités de transports et de la documentation.
    Développement et mise en œuvre d’actions d’amélioration continue (Lean Manufacturing, 5S, 6 Sigma…).
    Participation au projet de migration d’ERP vers SAP. Analyses des besoins métiers (approvisionnements, ordonnancement, Achat, ADV), conduite du changement, formation…
  • Cité Marine - Responsable Stock & Approvisionnement

    2011 - 2012 Gérer l'approvisionnement en matières premières
    Superviser la conformité des réceptions
    Maîtriser le niveau des stocks
    Assurer un stock à jour en temps réel
    Garantir le respect des DLUO
    Veiller au respect des règles de sécurité et d'hygiène
    Manager l'équipe de caristes
    Développer les compétences personnelles
    Assurer la préparation des commandes et la mise à disposition des produits en temps et en heure
  • Dietswell - Responsable Stock

    2009 - 2010 Inventaire, organisation et suivi des stocks
    Valorisation des coûts
    Mise en place de procédures
    Installation et paramétrage de logiciels
    Suivi de la chaîne logistique
    Supervision des opérations de manutention
  • Dietswell - Ingénieur Achats & Logistique

    2007 - 2009 Sourcing
    Gestion des coûts / délais
    Coordination logistique
    Évaluation fournisseurs
    Gestion des non conformités


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :