

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Responsable de projets


  • ALTEN pour Groupe PSA - Assistant Project Manager-Groupe PSA -Vigo Factory- Project K9

    2017 - 2018 Project Management Organisation:

    1) Management of Modifications Meeting:
    Budget, production and delivery date, coordination with people concerned, respect of process and methods, Get the approval of the modifications.
    2) Weekly Quality meeting Management:
    Creation and Improvement of a Management of Quality method and support
    3) Management Control System: KPI's, RPO (Performance Process Meeting)
    4) Cost, Quality, Project progress/planning Indicators

    Management :

    1) Team manager of 3 people: task repartition, training, objectives, progress meeting.
    2) Communication: French and Spanish
  • La Poste - Apprentice Project Engineer in the Organisation department

    Paris-15E-Arrondissement 2012 - 2014 During this 2 years experience, I've acquired the necessary skills of being a Project Engineer/Manager.

    I had the responsibility of several projects in the Organisation department and also the responsibility of managing two distinct production teams (~30 people).

    During the time I've managed the 2 production teams, I only had about 1,5 week to learn the position of a Team Manager. This period helped me to improve significantly my adaptability skill.

    ~ I learnt how to quickly affirm and adapt myself as well as my Communication and at the same time, being responsible for different business as usual tasks.

    The last project I managed was about the dismantling of a sorting mail machine.
    It permits me to acquire key project manager skills such as:

    -Planning each phase of the project
    -Adapting my communication to different audiences (team, leaders, trade unions, director)
    -Respect deadlines (time management)
    -Planning and leading working groups, coordination and cohesiveness,
    -Present project progress and results to leaders and trade unions
    -Achieve objectives and make process improvements

    This apprenticeship has been a very valuable experience.

  • Crédit agricole - Trainee, Organization service

    Montrouge 2012 - 2012 During this 2 months internship, I have been able to discover the professional world related to the Organisation, which was unknown to me. I was affected at the Organisation department and I've worked on an existing project on an interactive vocal waiter. I've realized several analyses, questionnaires and deliverable. I've learnt how to seek information, analyse data and ask assistance when I needed some.


  • London South Bank University (Londres)

    Londres 2015 - 2016 MSc Business Project Management

    This Master allowed me to learn the main keys and necessary skills about Project Management and being an effective project manager as well as improving my English.

    It helped me to know the fundamentals of Quality, Agile and Risk Management
    Also, I've studied about Resarch Methods, Business Case Development, Project Value Innovation & Change.

    During this master I've also learned the fundamentals
  • ETSIB –Industrial Technologies Engineering School Of Bilbao Spain (Bilbao)

    Bilbao 2011 - 2014 Master’s Degree in Engineering,

    Double Master's Degree in Engineering with ESTIA. The quasi globality of classes where teach in Spanish with Bilbao School teachers. During these classes, I learned to understand and speak in Spanish, also to present to the class presentation in Spanish.

    Bidart 2011 - 2014 Ingénieur

    At the time of these 3 years to ESTIA, I managed various projects, learnt how to work efficiently with a group of people having different personalities and skills.
    Realised projects respecting deadline, high-quality level and also studying and working in a foreign language such as Spanish.


Annuaire des membres :