


En résumé

My main objective is to ensure the operational success of projects through collaboration in multi-organizational settings.

I am open to discuss job opportunities.

I've been lucky enough to live in several countries already which explains my interest of always looking to do something different or differently.

Language skills
English and French: native speaker
Italian: advanced - university curriculum and further studies at the Italian Cultural Center in Paris
German: conversational - 2 years spent in Düsseldorf, Germany

Mes compétences :
Développement durable
Ouverture d'esprit
Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises
Gestion de projet
Coordination de travaux
Travail en équipe
Assurance qualité


  • Bouygues Construction - Project Manager

    GUYANCOURT 2011 - maintenant Experience in Design and On-site Construction Project Management
    - Hexcel Lindbergh, Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management (EPCM) Project with first PAN manufacturing process line outside the U.S. and Carbon Fiber Production Line
    - Aix-Luynes II, Design and Build (DB) Project with over 700 prison cells
    - Paris Courthouse Complex, PPP
    - Science and Technology University of Bordeaux I, Design Build Operate Maintain (DBOM)
    Project: renovation of 12 buildings (71,000 sqm) and construction of 4 buildings (15,000 sqm)
    - Challenger Renovation Project, Bouygues Construction’s headquarters: renovation of 3 office
    buildings (52,000 sqm) and construction of PPP control room and parking lots

    Areas of application:
    - Quality Assurance
    - Environmental certifications and labels (BREEAM, LEED, HQE, BDM (Bâtiments Durables Méditerranéens), BBC)
    - Planning
    - Construction Supervision
    - Design

    Description of key responsibilities:
    - ensure effective coordination between team members (design and build stages; experts and managers; client, design and/or construction team) in setting and achieving objectives for regulatory and contract compliance, technology export control, quality control management, etc.
    - monitor project progress and review with relevant parties
    - advise on and facilitate project performance improvements through risk analysis and impact assessment
    - lead development of project baseline schedule and organize a workable detailed schedule
    - motivate and guide subcontractors and suppliers to achieve set objectives
    - provide detailed feedback at all levels and prepare required materials
    - represent organization by delivering presentations and participating in audits
  • Total Raffinage Marketing - Sustainable Development Coordinator

    COURBEVOIE 2010 - 2011 Sustainable Development Department
    Description of key responsibilities:
    - engage and support departments in integrating societal aspects of sustainable development at an operational level
    - analyze current project initiatives and reporting
    - develop tools to improve societal performance assessment

    Marketing France Communications Department
    Description of key responsibilities:
    - define and deploy a societal policy for the subsidiary Marketing France : define objectives, engagement methodology and areas of action with consulting firm Altermondo, participate in steering committee planning and discussions, contribute to energy poverty workgroup, identify and exchange with potential implementing partners
    - lobbying-Public Affairs: design scorecard to track project achievements and communicate internally
    - communications: participate in internal events committee (societal policy launch in the Lorraine region, summer commercial launch in French gas stations, Journées Mondiales de la Sécurité, Journées Mondiales de la Diversité)


  • ISC Paris School Of Management

    Paris 2008 - 2010 Management de la Performance Durable (Gestion de Projet et Développement Durable)
  • Université Paris-Sorbonne IV

    Paris 2004 - 2007 Licence LEA, spécialités: Anglais - Italien
  • Lycée Français De Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf)

    Düsseldorf 2002 - 2004 Baccalauréat Scientifique, spécialité: mathématiques


Annuaire des membres :