


En résumé

I have been working for the industry for 4 years.
I would like to explore new perspectives.
That's why I am open to opportunities in other fields than Quality Engineering and other areas than Aeronautics.
I am currently interested into offers in Normandie region.

The keys to success in my missions are my strong team spirit and my ability to socialize.

Mes compétences :
Construire une étude technique
Faire preuve de diplomatie
Réaliser une veille technologique
Etablir des recommandations
Résister au stress
Etre autonome
Etre rigoureuse
Proposer de nouvelles idées
Réaliser des tests
Etre à l'écoute
Gérer les conflits
Gérer un projet
PS Next
Abaqus CAE


  • Safran Electronics & Defense - Ingénieur Qualité Produit

    PARIS 2016 - maintenant Project management :
    1. Continuous improvement for Airbus actuators : Manufacturing risks analysis, definition of an action plan as a member of the working group and lead of the final solutions implementation. For instance, in order to ensure that electrical wires were cut to the requested length, a rule with each wire length was implemented.
    2. For Honeywell actuators: Improvement of causal analysis efficiency with creation a data sheet with the information requested to both preanalyse and analyse the failure as a member of a working group and lead of an awareness campaign towards the final users.

    Causal analysis management:
    1. For Honeywell actuators : Weekly webconferences in English and weekly reporting written in English.
    2. For Airbus actuators : Construction of an indicator of failure during actuators testing and assembly (with failure rates and classification) and tool choice for the causal analysis.

    Main result : reduction of Airbus non quality rate from 20000 ppm (December, 2016) to 9000 ppm (end of May, 2017)

    Causal analysis tools : 8D,QQOQCP, 5Why, Ishikawa diagram
    IT tools : SAP, Excel, Powerpoint
  • Snecma - Ingénieur BE support en service

    Courcouronnes 2013 - 2016 1. Subcontrating management :
    - Mechanical model transition from Patran V5 to Workbench with SMARTEC (based in Russia)
    - Construction of a calculation model to release new service criteria (based in Morocco)

    2. Customer support through mechanical validation of service and repair criteria :
    - Extension of weld build-up repair on low pressure turbine case (international patented technology)
    - Definition of service criterias for flat areas and dents on low pressure turbine active clearance control tubes
    - Creation of a new standard validation methodology for repairs located on the interface of bolted joints
    - Concession analysis. OTD = 95%

    3. Production and assembly line support:
    - Validation of a new method of brasing filling on outer stationary air seals traitement des dérogations et des récupérations
    - Concessions analysis based on calculation and service experience

    4. Experience capitalisation and sharing
    - Current product improvement
    - New program development support


  • Ecole Des Mines D'Albi-Carmaux EMAC

    Albi 2009 - 2012 Ingénieur généraliste

    Mécanique: RDM, CAO, Calcul de structures
    Matériaux: métaux, céramiques, polymères, composites
    Procédés: mise en forme, traitements thermiques, traitements de surface, diagnostic et contrôle


Annuaire des membres :