
Mathilde GIROD

Neuilly sur Seine

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel
Adobe Indesign
commercial support
Marketing Presentations
Managerial support
Responsible for the internal innovation program
Customer Retention
company growing support


  • International Flavors&fragrances - Junior Marketer France

    Neuilly sur Seine 2018 - 2018 External and internal customer marketing support for French customers through the development and delivery of insights, market presentations and promotions, which involves frequent customer interaction.
    - Supporting pro-active and reactive projects to generate and/or win business opportunities
    - Leveraging local capabilities in the most impactful way to commercial team and customers
    - Researches and generation of insights on markets, brands, food and beverage products and flavors and associated recommendations for the business
    - Cooperation with regional marketing team
    - Effective communication of relevant insights, capabilities and recommendations to both internal and external partners throughout the region and globally. This includes the improvement of existing communication formats.
    - Contributing to the definition of French customer strategy and suggest action plan
    - External customer presentations to convince how IFF's capabilities and flavor solutions can benefit their business

    Neuilly sur Seine 2018 - 2018 External and internal customer marketing support for French customers through the development
    and delivery of insights, market presentations and promotions, which involves customer interac-


    **Supporting, contributing to the definition pro-active and reactive projects to generate and/or
    win business opportunities;

    **Researches and generation of insights on markets, brands, food and beverage products and


    **Leveraging our regional capabilities in the most impactful way to local teams and customers
    **Internal communication and management of various internal projects;

    **Contributing to the definition of French customer strategy and suggesting action plan ;

    Neuilly sur Seine 2016 - 2017 VALIDATED IN MASTER'S DEGREE

    **Innovation watch (launches of new foodstuffs in France) and identify new opportunities for

    IFF trough the creation of marketing presentation, innovation watch and sectoral studies

    **Managerial support in internal events and projects

    **Responsible for the internal innovation program in Dijon
  • International Flavors&fragrances - Commercial and Innovation Support

    Neuilly sur Seine 2016 - 2017 Innovation watch (launches of new foodstuffs in France) and identify new opportunities for IFF trough the creation of marketing presentation, innovation watch and sectoral studies
    Managerial support in internal events and projects
    Responsible for the internal innovation program in Dijon
  • AGENCE DELENVIE - Sales assistant

    2014 - 2015 B2B canvassing, administrative management, CRM, new concepts and projects support creation,

    internal and external events management, company growing support.
    Dissertation on the customer loyalty improvement.
  • DELENVIE - Assistante commerciale

    ANNECY-LE-VIEUX 2014 - 2015 Goal of the apprenticeship:
    Customer development & customer relation management

    - Commercial prospection (only in BtoB relation)
    - Administrative management
    - CRM processus installation
    - Commercial strategy analysis
    - Writing of a report and oral presentation
    - Help with creations & customers projects
    - Reporting and planifications
    - Internal & external events management and organisation
  • Magasin ETAM en prêt à porter - Hôtesse de vente

    2014 - 2014 ✓ Conseil clientèle et fidélisation
    ✓ Encaissements
    ✓ Réception de colis
    ✓ Aménagement du magasin en respectant les règles de merchandising imposées
  • Mairie Annecy et parc d'attraction Flaine - Chargée d'études commerciales

    2012 - 2014 Recherche documentaire, élaboration de questionnaires, administration des questionnaires, échantillonnage, traitement statistique, analyse et rédaction d'un rapport.
    -­-- Réalisation d'une étude de faisabilité sur la construction d'un fantasticâble (tyrolienne) dans la station de Flaine.
    -­-- Réalisation d'une étude de structuration des commerces pour le compte de la ville d'Annecy.


  • Burgundy School Of Business

    Dijon 2015 - 2017 Bac +5

    Strategic marketing and market study
    BtoB/BtoC environment
    Multichannel communication
  • Burgundy School Of Business ESC Dijon

    Dijon 2015 - 2017 Master in Management

    Master in Management in apprenticeship;

    Professional thesis theme : Perception and expectations of flexitarians (grade 17/20)
  • IUT Annecy-Le-Vieux

    Annecy Le Vieux 2014 - 2015 Commerce international

    Découverte de l'environnement marketing et commercial à l'international
    Voyage à Singapour, organisé par l'association dont j'étais la présidente
  • IUT Annecy

    Annecy Le Vieux 2012 - 2014 BAC+2

    Ce diplôme m'a permis d'acquérir des connaissances théoriques et des compétences techniques en communication, négociation, marketing, gestion et management.
    2 stages :
    - 8 semaines dans l'entreprise SAMSE à Margencel en temps qu'assistante commerciale BtoC et BtoB
    - 2 semaines (70h) de ventes appliquées au sein du magasin Etam prêt à porter
  • Lycée La Versoie

    Thonon Les Bains 2010 - 2012 Baccalaureate Degree

    BAC STG option Comptabilité et finance des entreprises


Annuaire des membres :