
Sébastien GREGOIRE


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Programming (Python, VBA, Fortran)
CAO-DAO (Catia, Pro/E, I-DEAS, AutoCAD)
Mechanical testing (RoomT & HighT 1600°C)
FEM (std/expl, mecha, thermomech, therm)
Non Destructive testing (Pundit, Grindo, HMOE)


  • Vesuvius - Material Modelling and Characterization Engineer

    2008 - maintenant Involved in the numerical simulations performed in Vesuvius (development & post-mortem).
    Development of laboratory tests allowing improving simulations inputs as:
    - refractory ceramics mechanical/thermal properties,
    - thermal/mechanical boundaries and interfaces.
    Validation of inputs with field tests in steel plant.
  • Alten - Ingénieur calculs

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2006 - 2008


  • Universidade Do Porto (Porto)

    Porto 2002 - 2006 Doutor Em Engenharia Mecanica

    PhD subject:
    Measurement of the heat transfer coefficient at the glass-tool interface and integration in the finite element modelling of glass forming processes
  • Université Valenciennes

    Valenciennes 1996 - 2006 Docteur en Génie mécanique


Annuaire des membres :