
Sebastien JENTILE


En résumé


- Etudiant à la Copenhagen Business School de Janvier à Juin 2009.

- Troisième année à l’ICN Graduate Business School de Nancy achevée en Décembre 2008.

- Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles de commerce, voie scientifique de 2003 à 2005, lycée Saint Michel de Picpus, Paris 12e.

- Baccalauréat Scientifique, option physique chimie en 2003.

- Obtention du Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD) en 2006, préparation du TOEIC.

- Obtention du PCIE (Passeport de Compétences Informatique Européen). Maitrise des principaux outils informatiques (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), et utilisateur quotidien d'Internet.

Mes compétences :


  • Qobliq France - Web Project Manager

    maintenant - Settling of digital communication campaigns for brands such as Nivea, Ricard, Calvin Klein, Nestlé, Orange

    - Management of plannings, centralization of projects informations, coordination of the creative team

    - Presentation of results, reporting, strategic recommandations
  • SFR - Communication Assistant

    2009 - 2010 - Coordination of different communication departments among SFR, on web and on wap, to promote musical events in the frame of partnerships.

    - Mass Media communication (Web, Press, TV, Radio, Billboard) and marketing amplification (WAP Push, Newsletter), and use of communication tools like social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)
  • Altergaz - Hotline client adviser

    2008 - 2008 Activity: Advisory and commercial sale of house gas supply subscriptions.

    Skills: Improvement of commercial methodology, sense of initiative, in order to suit clients needs and achieve sales objectives.
  • Team Creatif - Account Assistant among the International Whiskas and Sheba Team

    2007 - 2008 Activity: Link between the creative studio and international clients, advice and requests processing.

    Skills: Team projects long term follow up, management of personal projects, improvement of professional English.
  • Orange France Telecom - Hotline client adviser in Saint Max (Nancy suburbs)

    Paris 2006 - 2006 Activity: Advisory, and commercial sale of mobile subscriptions.
    Skills: Improvement of commercial methodology, sense of initiative, in order to suit clients needs.
  • Sport association campaign at the ICN - Creation of a sport association promoting sport activities in favour of ICN students

    2005 - 2005 Activity: President of the association, team manager, sponsors canvassing,
    Skills: Development of sense of responsibilities, and promotion approach.
  • Société Générale - Secretary tasks within the Corporate Groups Department.

    PARIS 2004 - 2004 Activity: Secretary, administrative tasks, and client contacts.
    Skills: Experience of work in a large organisation, commitment and respect of deadlines.



Annuaire des membres :