

Sophia Antipolis

En résumé

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  • Amadeus - Web Front End Technical Leader

    Sophia Antipolis 2008 - maintenant - Web Front End development and coordination of a complete airline booking system
    - International context (Bad Homburg, Bungalore), remote project management
    - In charge of optimization (payload, memory leaks, response time) and web development best practices (cross-browser compatibility, accessibility, and coding standards)

    * Project context
    - Product type: B2B
    - Development process: CMMI
    - Source control: IBM Clearcase
    - Target: Internet Explorer 6/7/8, Firefox 2/3, Safari 3/4, Chrome 4/5

    * Technical context
    - Client side: YUI / Ext JS based internal framework (OO Javascript, CSS 2, browser degradation strategy)
    - Server side: JSP, Spring Webflow, Tomcat, Weblogic 10
    - Tools: Eclipse WTP, Firebug, HTTP Watch, Wireshark, DynaTrace, Chrome development tools, Maven
  • Babel Networks - Web Front End Optimisation Expert

    2006 - 2008 - Full client: UI based on Gecko rendering engine
    - Technical Leader: Dojo SVG / HTML Widget development and integration
    - In charge of AJAX technologies training, techological survey and R&D activities
    - International context (Milan, Nice, London, New York, Dublin)

    * Project context
    - Product type: B2C
    - Development process: Scrum
    - Source control: Subversion (Subclipse / Tortoise SVN)
    - Target: Specific development for Firefox 3 Gecko engine (SVG / HTML)

    * Technical context
    - Embedded Gecko rendering engine into a C++ / GTK application
    - Web based UI: Dojo Toolkit 0.4.3 / 1.0
    - Tools: Eclipse Aptana, Firefox, Dojo distribution builder
  • France Telecom / Orange - Web Front End Consultant

    2005 - 2006 - Technical Leader: Setting up standard architecture for AJAX applications and dev. Protocols
    - Application initially based on Dojo 0.4.3, and fully migrated to Dojo 0.9

    * Project context
    - Product type: B2B / B2C
    - Development process: Iterative
    - Source control: Subversion (Subclipse / Toirtoise SVN)
    - Target: Internet Explorer 6/7, Firefox 2, Safari 2/3

    * Technical context
    - Client side: Dojo Toolkit 0.4.3 / 0.9
    - Server side: PHP / Smarty templating engine
    - Tools: Eclipse Aptana, Firebug, HTTP Watch, Ethereal, Dojo distribution builder
  • Conseil Général des Alpes Maritimes - Web Engineer

    2004 - 2005 Intranet / internet tool development: PHP / MySQL / MS Access:
    - internal tool for huge file upload
    - material management tool for Conseil Général agents


Pas de formation renseignée


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