


En résumé

I am a strongly motivated person with three years' experience in asset management at Vaillance office (wealth management advisor) as well as a variety of recent experience in challenging customer facing roles. I enjoy discovering new ways of life and cultures and as a fast learner, I can adapt well in various situations. My professional experience so far has helped me to develop excellent communication and customer service skills and has taught me how to work well in busy and demanding environments. Being sociable, I have a good team spirit and enjoy working in contact with people. I am currently looking for a new challenge where I can gain new skills and utilise my existing ones.

Mes compétences :
wealth management
judicial settlement
interpersonal skills
emotional and intellectual development
Serving Food
Good sales experience
Asset Allocation


  • Groupama Protection Juridique - Juriste

    Puteaux maintenant Gestion amiable des dossiers en droit de la responsabilité civile, responsabilité automobile et en responsabilité médicale.
    Rédaction de recours et mise en demeure.
    Rédaction de saisines d’experts circonstanciées, étude de rapports d’expertise.
    Suivi téléphonique des dossiers avec les assurés, et les parties adverses ;
    Négociation amiable ;
    Recherche de jurisprudences
  • Moody's Analytics - Operations Analyst

    Paris 2016 - maintenant
  • Centre d'Echanges Internationaux, CEI - Sales Executive

    2015 - maintenant • Selling the most suitable services of our prospects’needs (by email, telephone or face to face)
    • Welcoming customers in the office, answering external calls and transferring it to the relevant person or taking messages
    • Following up customers’requests
    • Receiving enrolments files, contacting clients to complete it and pass it to the relevant department
    • Updating the database
    • Reporting to the Managers
  • The Dickens Tavern - Bartender

    2014 - 2015 08-2014 to 01-2015 : d Full range of bar duties; taking orders and serving food and drinks, operating cash, register, order and maintain liquor and bar supplies.
  • Private family - Childminder

    2014 - maintenant Perform housework related to child care, including washing the child's clothes,
    cleaning up after meals, tidying play areas.
  • Able Home Care - Care Worker

    2014 - 2014 : * Provide in-home support with health issues and daily living tasks such as washing, dressing, eating, transport.
    * Assist with the delivery of activities to enhance physical, social, emotional and intellectual development.
  • Vaillance Courtage - Wealth management & advisor

    Paris 2010 - 2013 : Wealth management advisor - independent,
    Vaillance Courtage,
    * Creation and retention of a portfolio of high-income customers through telephone prospecting and advocacy ;
    * Heritage audit. ;
    * Establishment and management of heritage through financial solutions (life savings and investment, pensions
    law, tax exemption, endowment contracts).
    * Tax optimization. ;
    * Partnerships: Générali, Swisslife, Sogecap, Adequity. ;
    * Management/Supervision of three probationers. ;
    * Results 2011: 443 612 EUR . Volume: 31 deals; 2012: 501 637 EUR . Volume: 40 deals; 2013: 572 910 EUR . Volume: 33
    * Managed Portfolio of 60 customers.
  • Groupe Vaillance - Conseillère en gestion de patrimoine

    2010 - maintenant Proposer des solutions adaptées (Assurance vie, Epargne, Prévoyance, Placements financiers, Placements immobiliers) à une clientèle haute de gamme composée de TNS et de particuliers, après avoir effectué un bilan patrimonial.
  • Européenne de Protection Juridique - Apprentice lawyer

    2009 - 2010 : Apprentice lawyer - Team « body injury »,
    * Analysis and assessment of the loss of the guarantee based on the contractual terms. ;
    * Analysis of the merits of the claim in order to assess the need to settle the dispute amicably or to have
    recourse to judicial settlement.
    * Monitoring of the compensation of the insured and advice to agents.
  • Groupama Protection juridique - Placement lawyer

    Puteaux 2009 - 2009 Groupama Legal protection, Amicable settlement department, Paris, France
    * Management and amicable negotiation records law liability, automobile liability and medical malpractice. ;
    * Drafting of appeal, of notice and referrals to circumstantial experts, study of expert reports. ;
    * Advice and support files with the insured and the opposing parties.
  • Européenne de Protection Juridique - Juriste

    2009 - 2010 Analyse du sinistre et appréciation de la garantie en fonction des termes du contrat.
    Analyse du bien-fondé de la réclamation afin d’apprécier la nécessité de régler le litige à l’amiable ou d’avoir recours à un règlement judiciaire.
    S'assurer de l’indemnisation de l’assuré lors de l’aboutissement des procédures (amiable ou judiciaire) ou étudiez avec l’avocat l’opportunité de faire appel.
    Conseil aux assurés ou aux agents sur l’existence d’une garantie en cas de litige, et information sur les procédures à suivre selon les problèmes qu’ils rencontrent.
    Consultations téléphoniques : renseignement juridique, aide dans l’orientation, analyse de garantie.



Annuaire des membres :