


En résumé

Summary: International profile in Financial Services Industry (French-German-English):

My professional experience includes
- Relationship Management,
- Business/Product Development and
- Team Management.

Having spent 19 years in Germany, decided after "Abitur" in 1991 to study Economics & Finance in France, Paris.

Then started my carreer in Luxembourg in 1997 with French Bank (Crédit Mutuel) and spent three years in London (OM Derivatives Exchange and Jiway Stock Exchange).

Returned to Paris in 2002 as Relationship Manager with BNP Paribas Securities Services, provider of Securities Services to International and National Institutionals, where I moved more recently into a Product Management role.

Snapshot of Professional Experience:
2002-Today: Paris, BNP Paribas Securities Servicies: Relationship and Product Management
2000-2002: London, Jiway Ltd: Impmementation Management
1999-2000: London, OM Group: Business Development Management
1997-1999: Luxembourg, Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel: Sales in money market products.

1994-1997: Magistère Banque Finance, Paris I Sorbonne
1992-1994: Bi-DEUG Eco-Anglais, Paris X Nanterre
1991-1992: Au Pair in London
1991: "Abitur" (A-levels/Baccalauréat) in Germany (Final exams in Maths/French/Biology/History)

Mes compétences :
Chargé de clientèle
Chef de produit
Financial services
Product manager
Services financiers


  • BNP Paribas Securities Services - Product Manager

    Pantin 2002 - maintenant Started in 2002 as Relationship Manager for Local Clearing and Custody Services on the French market provided to a portfolio of institutional clients (mainly Foreign Broker Dealers). In 2004 increased market coverage to four Euronext markets (added Portugal, Belgium and The Netherlands).
    Was given responsibility of newly created Relationship Management team specialising in global custody services dedicated to mid-tier and large financial institutionals in 2006.
    Moved in 2008 into a Product Management role dedicated to the above mentioned global custody services and Euronext local custody products.
    2010 returned to Relationship Management to take responsibility of team dedicated to Global Custodians and ICSDs.

    The role as Relationship Manager at BP2S includes responsibility for:

    - Monitoring and ensuring that quality service levels are being provided to appointed clients at all operational levels;
    - Defining appropriate service solutions in adequacy with cost constraints and client requests;
    - Re-engineering and monitor implementation of new client set-ups to match their business strategy;
    - Identification of new business opportunities with existing clients;
    - Patricipating in major price negotiations taking into account targeted objectives.

    The role as Product Management includes
    - P&L monitoring,
    - Definition and coordination of required IT developments and operational organisations,
    - Internal product training
    - Product communication (internal and external with Marketing)
    - Be a pro-active support for sales presentations and RFPs
    - Major client implementations in coordination with Relationship Management and Operations, Legal etc.
  • Jiway Holdings - Implementation Management

    2000 - 2002 Jiway Holdings
    Joint venture between OM Group and Morgan Stanley aiming at introducing an International Integrated Front to Post Trading Solution for European and US stocks through the establishement of a London based stock exchange.

    The main goal of the venture was to offer Internet Retail Brokers a single access to foreign securities trading, settlement and cusstody with highly competitive cross-border execution and settlement charges.

    Within this organisation, delegated by the major shareholder, OM Group, in which I was part of the Business Development Division of the London office, the OM London Exchange, I became responsible for the implementation process of Trading Members and Market Makers.

    Responsibilities entailed
    - the creation of the Implementation Process with the collaboration of various departments: legal, IT, trading, operations, etc.
    - setting up of a team of Implementation Managers
    - the implementation of the first Trading Members and Market Makers.
  • OM Group (London) - Business Develpment Manager

    1999 - 2000 With OM London was part of the 'Business Development Department' with responsibility for the development of Nordic Derivatives Products and New Business Initiatives.

    In terms of product development took part in the project creating the "NOX"-index, in collaboration with FTSE, and associated Forwards as a joint venture with the four Nordic stock exchanges (i.e. Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway)

    Was then part of the team who created Jiway Ltd (joint venture between OM and Morgan Stanley as an International Stock Exchange).
  • Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel - Sales for short term credit notes

    1997 - 1999 I was member of a team of two sales who launched BFCM’s front-office activity in Luxembourg by integrating the group’s Private Banking offices. As such, firstly helped in setting up the premises, then set-up the business.

    Portfolio of products was composed of short term credit notes (i.e. money market products such as French inter-bank borrowings (CDs), European Commercial Papers and foreign exchange.

    Developed the client base to 65 Luxembourg based banks, which included cold calls to established banks, client visits, request of necessary credit lines and the creation of good working relationships with client’s front-office members. After less than one year the activity was fully up and running.



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