
Francois BADET


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Spatial Database Management
Business development
GPS positioning
Service-oriented architecture
Budget management
Team leadership
Big Data
Image processing
Spatial Data Infrastructure
3D digital photogrammetry
Machine Learning
OGC specifications
Digital cartography
Project/Program management
Software architecture
Software development


  • Continental - Cartography and Geolocation Software Architect

    Toulouse 2016 - maintenant
  • PTV Group - Project Director

    CERGY PONTOISE Cedex 2015 - 2016
  • Gaiago - RFF / “SNCF Réseau” - Senior GIS consultant

    2014 - 2015 Contract with RFF / “SNCF Réseau” to set up and manage a production center for geodata and mathematical reverse engineering in order to implement ERTMS/ETCS equipment on railway tracks.
  • MICHELIN TRAVEL PARTNER - Transition Manager

    FERRAND 2011 - 2013 Manage and reorganize the Digital Content Production and the Editorial Computer System departments during the merging of ViaMichelin with the Maps & Guides activities of the Michelin group.
  • GEOSYSTEMS France - Technical Director

    MONTIGNY LE BRETONNEUX 2010 - 2011 Responsible for designing and implementing marketing and sales tools for the ERDAS Apollo Enterprise Geospatial software suite.
    Responsible for designing, writing and oral presentation of technical bids to large-accounts and integrators.
  • WAYNASOFT - Founder and General Manager

    2005 - 2009 WaynaSoft provides expertise, consultancy and solutions for managing and integrating geographic information in your IT system using Open Source and Free Software.

    Responsible for the design and marketing of open and interoperable Web Geospatial solutions based on Open Source software components and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards.
    Development of an innovative Web GIS platform with the integration of country wide and multi-scale raster maps allowing high performance cartographic display through the internet.
  • HITACHI SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EUROPE - Geospatial Information Division Manager Europe

    2001 - 2005 HITACHI SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EUROPE – Subsidiary of Hitachi Software Engineering Co. Ltd., Japan (Hitachi Ltd. group). Software solutions for Multimedia, Bio Technologies and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

    Responsible for the development of the GIS business in Europe and for providing technical excellency.
    Management of a team of technicians and engineers to support the sales, marketing and technical development of the GIS Core, Image Series/AutoCAD and Any*GIS/Oracle software suites in France, UK and Germany.
  • REEF - Technical Marketing Manager Europe

    2000 - 2001 REEF - Internet Software for e-commerce, communities, collaboration and content publishing

    Business showcasing and competition technical analysis for e-commerce, content management and social networking internet software.
    Management of a cross-functional and multi-cultural team for the definition, development and implementation of a worldwide demonstration environment to support sales and commercial activities.
  • INTERGRAPH FRANCE - Marketing Manager of the Civil-Engineering and GIS software division

    1997 - 2000 INTERGRAPH France - Subsidiary of Intergraph Corporation. CAD Engineering and GIS software. Solutions for location based-services and spatial analysis.

    Sales and marketing strategy definition, budget management, communication marketing and marketing operations management.
  • INTERGRAPH FRANCE - Technical Manager of the Civil-Engineering and GIS software division

    1992 - 1997 Technical Director of the Civil-Engineering and GIS software division - Recruitment and management of a team of Engineers dedicated to pre- and post-sales support.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :