
Gorbatchev AMBROISE


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Cell Culture
customer assistance
basic training
Western Blotting
Flow Cytometry


  • INSERM U1014/1197, Paul Brousse Hospital - PhD student

    2011 - 2015 " Characterization of new regulatory pathways for Mcl-1 and PUMA expression and activity''
    Main tasks: cell culture, carrying out experiments, analyzing data, writing progress reports and the final thesis, training interns, ordering routinely used products
  • INSERM U1014, Paul Brousse Hospital - Intern

    2011 - 2011 "Study of the mechanisms involved in the survival of multiple myeloma cells"
    Main tasks: cell culture, carrying experiments, analysing data, wriang a report ,
  • INSERM - Doctorant

    PARIS 13 2011 - maintenant
  • Franprix - Checkout operator and self-service assistant

    Paris 2008 - 2008 Main tasks: shelving products, cashing, customer assistance and basic training of new interns ,
  • Franprix - Checkout operator and self-service assistant

    Paris 2007 - 2007 Main tasks: shelving products, cashing, customer assistance ,
  • Alfred Fournier Institute, Paris - Intern

    2007 - 2007 "Study of an8bio8c resistance of the bacteria Neisseria Gonorrheae''
    Main tasks: seeding bacteria, undertaking anabiograms, analysing data, writing a report

    PUBLICATIONS & Ambroise G, PorSer A., Roders N., Arnoult D., Vazquez A.. Subcellular localizaaon of Puma


  • Université Paris 11 Paris Sud

    Orsay 2011 - 2015 Doctorat

    Paris Sud University, Doctoral School of Cancer - ED418, Villejuif, FRANCE
  • Université Paris 11 Paris Sud

    Orsay 2009 - 2011 Master

    Master, in Biology and Health, Immunology specialty
    Paris Sud University/Faculty of Medicine, le Kremlin-Bicêtre, FRANCE
  • Université Paris 11 Paris Sud

    Orsay 2005 - 2008 Licence

    Licence (Bachelor), in Science, Technology and Health
    Paris Sud University/Faculty of Science, Orsay, FRANCE
  • Lycée Van Gogh

    Ermont 2002 - 2005 Baccalaureate Degree

    « Baccalauréat », in Science, Life Science specialty (High school degree)
    Van Gogh HighSchool, Ermont, FRANCE


Annuaire des membres :