
Jean-Christophe LE LUET


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Développement commercial


  • EPC ECHAFAUDAGE - Directeur d'Exploitation

    2013 - maintenant Consolidation des activités actuelles et développement de l'activité sur d'autres secteurs.
  • HATCH - Coating, Insulation, Scaffolding Superintendent

    2011 - 2013 Koniambo Project - Nouvelle Calédonie

    In Charge of supervision of subcontractor painting and Insulation activities
  • Prezioso Technilor SAS - Project Manager

    Vienne 2011 - 2011 Pre-Insulation activity development. Dunkerque Workshop Installation. Production tests.
  • Prezioso Technilor SAS - Hook Up Preparator

    Vienne 2009 - 2009 October 2009 – November 2009 (2 months) Houston, Texas Area

    Job Card (Scaffolding, coating & Insulation) preparation for the EXXON Satellite Project.
  • Prezioso Angola Lda - Offshore Operation Manager, Satellite Project Manager, Estimation dpt. Manager

    Vienne 2009 - 2011 August 2009 – May 2011 (5 months) Luanda, Angola

    In charge of a Work force of 150 Angolan & 20 Expats Offshore & Onshore.
    Scope of Work: Painting 15000 sqm of steel structure & Piping onshore, Erection of 1500 tons of scaffolding offshore, PFP & Insulation work.
    Training Organization of 100 local workers (Painting, PFP & Scaffolding
  • Prezioso Technilor SAS - Project Manager

    Vienne 2007 - 2009
    In charge of a Workforce of 400 Vietnamese & 10 Expats.
    Scope of Work : 150 000 sqm of painting & 100km of Hot Insulation on Piping, 3000 sqm of Hot Insulation on equipments.
    Training Organization of 400 Workers (Insulation & Painting)
  • Prezioso Angola Lda - Project Manager

    Vienne 2005 - 2007 November 2005 – February 2007 (1 year 4 months) Angola

    HOOK UP ROSA Project Manager
    In charge of a Work force of 150 Angolan & 30 Expats Offshore & Onshore.
    Scope of Work: Painting 5000 sqm of steel structure & Piping onshore, Erection of 700 tons of scaffolding offshore, PFP & Insulation work.

  • Prezioso Angola Lda - Operation Manager

    Vienne 2003 - 2007 October 2003 – February 2007 (3 years 5 months)

    In charge of all the projects over Angola (Lobito, Soyo & Luanda)
    Anticorrosion Specialist (FROSIO certified).
    Technical Support for Operations & Quotation departement
    Adaptation of France Quality System to Angolan Branch.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :