
Jonathan RAULT

Le Mans

En résumé

I am currently working at DIALOG SEMICONDUCTOR (In Germany) as a Application Engineer with more than 3 years of experiences in R&D in personal portable (mobile phone, wearable...).

My advantages:

★ Fast acting
★ Fast integrity, very sociable
★ Energy, dynamic
★ Adaptation
★ Innovative
★ Mobile all over the world
★ Project management

I have worked in Power Management Integrated Circuit Silicon Evaluation. And Baseband platform. I have developed skills in board design, evaluation, validation, debug, software support, optimization, review and so on. Technical knowledge in energy management & power management (charger, Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost (DC-DC: SMPS), LDO, State Machine...) and in connectivity (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GNSS (GPS, Glonass), FM, NFC). Stand alone validation and full platform validation according to requirement and specification. Recently application project leader (team of 4 people) on a IP test chip.

I am fluent in English and French (French native language), I am ready to go where the opportunities are and able to travel.

Feel free to contact me by mail or phone.

Language: English Fluent (one year in UK, one year in Finland and more than one year in Germany).
Routing and simulation software: PADS, OrCADPSpice, Altium Designer 6, Quartus II, Xilinx, Zuken – PCB Design, PADS/Xpedition Mentor Graphics
Integrated development environment: MATLAB, MPLAB, Visual Studio, PyCharm
Signal processing Transistors (Bipolar & FET), AOP, AM/FM Modulation, PLL, TF, TZ, DSP (TI:TMS320C), μC (PIC - 8051), FPGA (Altera Cyclone III, Xilinx, Lattice).
Program language C, C++,JAVA, VHDL, Python.
General skills EMC, Signal integrity, SMPS, LDO, battery charging, connectivity (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GNSS), RF design, antenna design, RF matching, soldering skills, R&S CMU skills, Automatism Test Equipment, IPV4/V6 Networks, 2G/3G/4G LTE knowledge, RFIC, RF subsystem. Project management, mobile phone business.
Communication skills and Enthusiastic.

Mes compétences :
Connectivity (BT, WLAN, GNSS, NFC)
Analog (SMPS, LDO, FET, Bipolar)
Energy & Power Management
Antenna design
Signal integrity
Soldering skills
RF matching
Hardware baseband design
I2C interface
I2S Interface
DigRF interface
Power Consumption Optimisation


  • Dialog semiconductor - Application Engineer

    Le Mans 2013 - maintenant
  • Renesas mobile - Hardware BaseBand Engineer

    2012 - 2013 Mobile phone platform validation
    EMPM (Energy Management Power Management) validation
    Set the environment, test plan, test procedure, result, conclusion (optimization, advice).
    DC-DC knowledge: SMPS/Buck and LDO structure, RF buck with Bypass mode and voltage control, SMPS feedback optimization, layout optimization.
    Study and comparative of different PMIC vendors (Dialog (with audio codecs) - TI - Maxim).
    Study of external fuel gauge IC.
    CSL2 (Customer Support Level 2 tasks  technical support): Schematics revision, layout/routing revision (trace length and width...), passive components selection, power management and consumption optimization.
    SMPS efficiency measures, PFM and PWM mode.
    SMPS ripple measure, line transient/regulation measure, load transient/regulation measure.
    LDO line transient/regulation measure and load transient/regulation measure.
    Battery charge/discharge curve.
    I2C protocol: decoding and analyses.
    Debug: spikes, voltage drop.
    Oulu, Finland
  • Renesas Deisgn France - Hardware BaseBand trainee

    2012 - 2012 Validation on mobile phone platform
    et the environment, test plan, test procedure, result, conclusion (optimization, advice).
    802.11 a/b/g/n (Wi-Fi)
    Equipment: Agilent N4010A Wireless Connectivity Test Set
    Output power, spectrum mask, carrier suppression center frequency leakage, spectral flatness transmission spurious, center frequency tolerance, symbol clock frequency tolerance, constellation error, error vector magnitude, sensitivity and adjacent/non-adjacent channel rejection measures.
    RF matching study.
    Filter comparative study, SAW filter.
    802.15 (BT v2.0 + EDR, BLE)
    Equipment: R&S®CBT/CBT32
    Baseband Hardware/RF validation (as Wi-Fi)
    GNNS (GPS, Glonass and Galileo)
    Equipment: Spirent GSS6700
    Cold/Warm/Hot-start time to first fix, Acquisition sensitivity, Tracking sensitivity, Re-acquisition time, Static navigation accuracy, Dynamic navigation accuracy.
    Android driver wake-up, I2C validation with external mother board
    Android driver wake-up, I2C validation with external mother board, Tag functional validations (read/write), P2P functional test.
    Rennes, France
  • Renesas Design France - Hardware Baseband trainee

    2011 - 2011 Built In Selft Testfor aboard development: FPGA, NIOS II, DigRFprotocol
    Audio sub-system validation: I²C/ I²S protocol, digital micro.
    Rennes, France


  • INSA De Rennes, Université De Brest, Supélec, Université De Bretagne Sud, TELECOM Bretagne (Rennes)

    Rennes 2011 - 2012 Master degree

  • INSA De Rennes (Rennes)

    Rennes 2009 - 2012 Master degree

    System and Communications Networks department
  • Glyndwr University (Wrexham)

    Wrexham 2008 - 2009 Bachelor degree

    Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    Rennes 2006 - 2008 DUT, A level +2


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