


En résumé

J'ai pu développé une solide expérience sur les stratégies de marketing interactif aussi bien News et Search (SEO/SEM) qu'en terme de génération de Leads et de marketing relationnel.
Mes compétences m'ont amené à piloter de nombreux projets Webs internationaux et majeurs, et également à gérer la conduite du changement à très grande échelle

Mes compétences :

Web Analytics
Online Advertising
direct marketing
segmented analysis
relationship management
operational management
newsletters' design
Transversal Project Management
Responsible for direct communication
Responsible for National POS deployment
Product Development
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Managed a registration project
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Extensive leadership experience
Change Management
Adobe Photoshop


  • Criteo - Advertiser Marketplace Product Manager

    PARIS 2007 - maintenant Retain overall responsibility of marketplace roadmap's successful implementation, spanning +20 countries.
    Providing a superior set of services to Customers (internal and external). Focusing the Operating Environment to
    adopt customer centric behaviour at the core of business processes. Leading online services optimization that
    result in either cost savings, change in strategic focus or improved customer response time, to achieve further
    growth and profitability.
    * Managed major projects impacting all countries, with strong project governance and consistent margin, over
    a period of two years; while maintaining a customer centric approach to ensure improved levels of services at
    lower costs to the organization.

    * Responsible for direct communication with customers through Criteo Marketplace with a transformational
    focus aimed at driving customer satisfaction to the highest level, internally and externally, supporting the
    business at creating a customer base that advocates for Criteo solution as the advertising partner of choice
    (Criteo welcome pack newsletters sent to +6000 subscribers, localized in 8 languages, with a 37% opening

    * Redesigned Marketplace Platform and Communication tools to proactively focus on Customer empowerment
    in self-service mode, working with Cross-Functional teams to identify issues early on and raise visibility of
    areas that may impact Customer's ability to engage more budgets with Criteo. In a nutshell, passive
    advertisers have been reduced by 10%, an additional 20% of Criteo customers signed to automatically renew
    their budgets, the quality of the customer's technical integration improved by +9%

    * Managed a registration project aiming at turning SMB advertising prospects into new customers in a selfservice mode, and handling the invitations of 2 000 businesses in 4 countries to beta test this platform

    * Implemented a robust Web statistics reports and Key Performance Indicators to analyse product impacts,
    monitor the platform performance and quickly fix when errors are detected (performance issues under
    control: average page load time reduced over time from +30 seconds to 4 seconds).
  • Companeo - Senior Product Manager EMEA

    Suresnes 2006 - 2011 In charge of identifying innovative features to generate new growth drivers; prioritizing and driving them through
    the product development process; managing their deployment all over Europe (+250 people impacted).
    Reinforced web services' retention and effectiveness (+40% turnover impact Year on Year) and improved Keypages efficiency based on A/B test campaigns (+300% conversion rates). Worked on direct marketing processes
    such as new prospecting tools and sales channels to increase business team effectiveness (customer increased
    by +200%). Analysed market trends, competition and strategic aspects, and participated in decision process with
    the top management. Directed a team of 4 to build a content farm that launched +2 000 vertical websites and to
    successfully implement lead generation partnerships with major European publishers (Les Echos, De Telegraaf...).
  • Bestofmedia - Traffic Manager

    2005 - 2006 Primary responsibility for the implementation, monitoring and optimization of online advertising campaigns. In
    charge of segmented analysis of visits & page views (+6 million visitors/month), and of E-mailing campaigns
    (Consolidation of newsletters' design, content, targeting routing - 1.6 million subscribers)
  • Groupe Crédit Mutuel CIC - Direct Marketing Product Manager, CIC

    2004 - 2004 Responsible for National POS deployment and regional promotional campaigns. In charge of customer databases
    qualification (loyalty) & prospects (development), mailings' setting up & monitoring, phoning & emailing
  • CIC Banque Régionale de l'Ouest - Chargé de Marketing Opérationnel

    Paris 2004 - 2004 CDD de Mars à Décembre 2004
    - Conception d’actions de Communication et de Marketing Direct au niveau régional
    - Déploiement de la PLV nationale sur la région Centre-Ouest
    - Gestion et suivi d’opérations de mailing, e-mailing et phoning
    - Actualisation du recueil de tarification et enregistrement des dérogations tarifaires
    - Participation active à la convergence entre le CIC BRO et le CIO
  • Fnac - Vendeur SAV

    IVRY SUR SEINE 2003 - 2004 Vendeur/Assistant Responsable SAV – FNAC Les Halles
    - Ecoute, Conseil auprès des clients
    - Gestion administrative des dossiers litigieux et des relations fournisseurs
  • FNAC Les Halles - After Sales Service Manager Assistant

    2002 - 2003
  • BNP Paribas - Chef de Projet Marketing/Communication

    Paris 2002 - 2002 Stage de fin d'études (6 mois)

    Chef de Projet Marketing Direct & Communication - BNP PARIBAS
    - Définition de la stratégie Marketing du pôle haut de gamme (Banque Privée)
    - Conception des opérations de Communication et suivi des retours
    - Création de communication client par e-mails
    - Conception et réalisation de documents pour les professionnels
  • BNP Paribas - Direct Marketing & Communication Project Manager

    Paris 2002 - 2002
  • IBM - EMEA Sales Operation Manager Assistant

    Bois-Colombes 2000 - 2001
  • IBM France - Assistant Sales Operation Manager Public Sector Europe

    Bois-Colombes 2000 - 2001 Année de césure
    - Suivi des Opérations Commerciales sur les clients du Secteur Public
    - Analyse du Coverage et des Forecast
    - Suivi des Résultats
    - Préparation d’un audit interne
  • Groupe Lucien Barrière - Casino de La Baule - Assistant contrôle de gestion

    1999 - 1999 Stage de 3 mois
    - Gestion des stocks des points de vente (Casino & Grands Hôtels)
    - Réalisation du Cost-Control du groupe


  • University Of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA) (Cincinnati)

    Cincinnati 2000 - 2000
  • Graduate School Of Management- AUDENCIA (Nantes)

    Nantes 1998 - 2002 Top 5 business school in France - Specialized in Communication and Marketing
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce

    Nantes 1998 - 2002 Marketing
  • Lycée Ampère

    Lyon 1996 - 1998


Annuaire des membres :