
Massaoudou BALIMA


En résumé

An accomplished software engineer with extensive skills in business administration

• 7 years’ experience in full system development lifecycle, from gathering the requirements through its design, testing all the way through to its deployment
• Object oriented design and its application into embedded software
• Knowledge and experience with Project Management techniques & methodologies
• Experience in product testing strategies and verification scenarios
• Combining an excellent knowledge of the business with extensive and detailed embedded software development expertise.
• Fundamental understanding of the ERP systems in a business setting
• Understanding of IT, combined with a profound knowledge of finance and accounting

Mes compétences :
visual basic


  • ForthInvestment - Vice-President & Co-Fondateur

    Colombes 2015 - maintenant ForthInvestment aide les entrepreneurs africains à créer et développer leurs entreprises.
    L'entreprise est née de la volonté de ses 4 fondateurs de réunir au sein d’une même société, les compétences, les finances et le réseau nécessaires à l’accompagnement de tout projet d’entreprise, du stade de l’idée au stade des premières distributions de dividendes.
    Créée en 2015 en France (Colombes), ForthInvestment dispose également d’un bureau au Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou).
    Les solutions de financements de ForthInvestment s’adressent aux porteurs de projets, startup et PME d'Afrique et de la diaspora.
  • Automotive Data Solutions - Embedded software specialist

    2011 - 2015 • Design, develop and integrate software applications according to specific timelines
    • Supporting continuous improvement in technology and processes
    • Assist the technical support team for monitoring, debugging and maintenance of existing applications on the market
    • Prepare all documentation related to the project (technical documents, wikis and diagrams)
    • Develop test suites and test interfaces to support large-scale production
  • ESKI inc - Montréal - Firmware engineer

    2010 - 2011 • Technical project leadership role by defining the goals and technical requirements that meets the customer needs
    • Develop applications for systems and LED lighting control
    • Write specifications and develop serial communication protocols for embedded systems
    • Develop user interfaces to control and communicate with the systems
    • Perform battery test systems
    • Write technical documentations (product specifications and test procedures)

    Rueil Malmaison 2007 - 2007 Goal :
    Optimize automated testing tools within the Service integration and validation.

    • Development of a parser/ compiler to facilitate the portability of tests
    • Creation of a single conversion table for all projects
    • Deployment of the new tools within the service
    • Establishment of technical data to facilitate the handling of new tools
  • Oberthur technologie - Paris (FRANCE) - R&D Engineer - Embedded software

    2007 - 2009 • Integrate software components on the target board (ATMEL AVR Phillips NXP).
    • Develop applications for various software products
    • Develop codes patches for new features or bug fixes
    • Participate in the drafting of technical documents and product specifications
    • Develop test plans and develop scripts from product specifications
    • Run a series of tests and analyze their results


  • UQAM (Montréal)

    Montréal 2012 - 2014 MBA
  • UTBM (Belfort)

    Belfort 2004 - 2007 Electronique et systèmes embarqués
  • Ecole Supérieure De Téchnologie De Casablanca (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 2002 - 2004 Genie électrique


Annuaire des membres :