


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Java SE
Android applications development


  • Rizze - PhD - R&D Consultant

    2012 - maintenant Development of Cloud-based services (Amazon Web Services, Python/Django, Solr, Stackless Python, HTML, Javascript).
    Mobile development (Android SDK).

    - "Formal Language Theory" at ESIEE School : 62 hours.
    - "Compilers Design" at ESIEE School : 27 hours.
    - "Project Management" at ESIEE School : 7 hours.
  • LIPN - Institut Galilée - IUT de Villetaneuse - Temporary Teaching and Research Associate (ATER)

    2011 - 2012 Design and analysis of an algorithm that generically (that is with a probability that tends asymptotically to one) minimizes Aho-Corasick automata.

    - "Introduction to C Programming" at IUT de Villetaneuse : 32 hours
    - "Information Theory and Signal Processing" at IUT de Villetaneuse : 56 hours
  • Université Paris 13 - Phd Student

    2008 - 2011 Research on: Stringology, Pattern Matching, Automata Theory, Algorithm Analysis.

    This thesis addresses the following issue: given a pattern X over an alphabet A, how to efficiently build the minimal automaton of A∗X used to sequentially parse a text and find occurrences of the pattern in that text.

    For a finite set of words, the classical construction due to Aho
    and Corasick builds a deterministic and complete automaton of A∗X, but unfortunately not necessarily minimal.

    Different solutions were proposed in this work:
    - an algorithm for generically constructing the minimal automaton; it is based on Brzozowski’s minimization algorithm, and uses sparse lists to achieve a linear time and space complexities;
    - a pseudo-minimization algorithm specific to Aho-Corasick automata, with linear time and space complexities;
    - a direct construction of this pseudo-minimal automaton (thus avoiding the construction of the Aho-Corasick automaton);
    - a generically linear algorithm that always computes the minimal automaton.
  • Université Paris 13 - Graduate Teaching Assistant

    2008 - 2011 198 hours of teaching:
    - "UNIX"
    - "UML"
    - "Graph Theory"
    - "C Programming"
    - "Unix Programming"
    - "Object Oriented Programming with JAVA"
    - "Information Theory"
  • Universite PARIS -EST Marne la Vallée - Algorithmic Research Internship

    2008 - 2008 Analysis of the classical Brzozowski's Algorithm for the minimization of non-deterministic automata.
    I was particularly interested in the minimization of specific automata used for pattern matching.
  • ESIEE Paris - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

    Noisy-le-Grand Cedex 2008 - 2008 Teaching:
    - "Graph Theory" (21 hours)
  • Universite PARIS -EST Marne la Vallée - Algorithmic Research Internship

    2007 - 2007 Development of a "data compression using antidictionnaries" algorithm and study of its compression ratio.
    Design and development of an in-line version of this method of compression.
    Highlight of some interesting properties of the compressed text, to be used for pattern matching in text compressed using antidictionnaries.
  • Enix S.A.R.L - Student Internship

    2006 - 2006 Development of a Linux kernel module allowing for the synchronization
    of the connection tracking table of two routers (Linux Kernel
    Development of a python module that is an interface to the new splice
    and tee system calls under Linux Kernel 2.6.17 and higher
    Development of a python module that is an interface to open(), read(),
    write() and close() system calls on a direct I/O context (O_DIRECT flag)


  • Université Paris 13 Paris Nord Villetaneuse

    Villetaneuse 2008 - 2012 PhD

    PhD Degree in Computer Science, with highest distinction.

    Thesis: Analysis and Design of String-Matching Algorithms,
    Keywords: Stringology, Pattern matching, Automata theory, Algorithm analysis.

    PhD defence: June 25th, 2012.
  • Université Paris Est Marne La Vallée

    Marne La Vallee 2006 - 2008 Master

    Master's Degree in Computer Science, with high distinction (ranked 1/56),
    Algorithmics speciality,
  • Université Paris Est Marne La Vallée

    Marne La Vallee 2005 - 2006 Bachelor

    Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, with high distinction (ranked 2/98).


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