


En résumé

Actually employed within the Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space (ISAE), I am in charge of negotiating and drafting contracts as framework agreements, researches and academic partnerships, consortium and other supply contracts which includes contracts between Industrial or Academic partners and ISAE as International and European agreements negotiate directly in English.
My experience concentrated in Legal / Intellectual Property, with exposure to Business Operations and General Business / General Skills and Activities.
I have 17 years of work experience, with 12 years of management experience, including a mid-level position.
Actuellement en poste en qualité de juriste spécialisée en propriété intellectuelle et contrats au sein de l’ISAE-SUPAERO, je suis en charge de l’analyse, de la négociation et de la rédaction de conventions liant notre Institut à d’autres établissements publics, sociétés privées, organismes européens ou internationaux dans le domaine aéronautique et spatial.

Conseil en Propriété Intellectuelle, j'ai acquis au sein de cabinets de Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle ou d'avocats une une solide expérience fondée sur la diversité des dossiers traités pour le compte de clients tant dans le domaine du conseil, de la négociation et de la rédaction contractuelle que dans celui de la constitution de droits et du contentieux et ce, dans un contexte international.

English fluent, je suis rigoureuse, organisée, polyvalente, autonome, persévérante et fais preuve de qualités relationnelles favorables à l’aboutissement d’un travail d’équipe productif ainsi que de force de proposition très développée.

Disponible sous réserve d’un préavis de deux mois, je tiens mon CV à votre disposition pour toute proposition de poste sérieuse.

Mes compétences :
Négociation contrats
Conseil juridique
Intellectual Property Law
Contractual negotiation
Business Strategy Consulting
reactive legal support
negotiation skills
management experience
good leadership skills
excellent client service skills
Public Law
Portfolio Administration
International Law
IP portfolio management
IP management
Government Legislation
Corporate Law
Contract management
Common Law


  • ISAE-SUPAERO - Senior Legal Counsel

    SAINT DENIS 2013 - maintenant Sectors: Aerospace, Electronics, New Technology, Mechanical, Engineering, Physics, Optics.
    * Negotiation and drafting French and international R&D contracts (framework agreements, outsourcing, collaboration, Consortium agreements of Community Framework Program, grant agreements), licenses, sponsorship agreements, outsourcing agreements, patent co-ownership agreement, all closely with searchers;
    * Ensuring contractual integrity of a high number of transactions by making sure that the contractual documentation reflects the agreement reached with the Partner and the financier while limiting in an optimal manner ISAE `s exposure and risks;
    * Negotiation with each party involved in the contracts;
    * Propose legal and commercial solutions and provide reactive legal support to contract administration, Direction, financial department and asset management teams;
    * Provide feedback to ISAE's Direction;
    * Coordinating trademarks and domain names activities like developing trademarks and domain names strategies, providing availability and infringement opinions, trademarks prosecution, supervision of external trademark counsel and trademark enforcement actions;
    * Develops, coordinates and provides diverse trainings to students, searcher and management on Contracts, IP, Ethics and Best Practices on intellectual property matters.
    Main tasks:
    § Contractual negotiation with clients, suppliers, partners for all types of agreements mainly in English (AIRBUS, LIEBHERR, THALES, STELIA, RATIER-FIGEAC...); Improvement and implementation of standard work and processes for the Legal Dept (Contracts Review, Non-Disclosure Agreement Management, Confidentiality and Intellectual Property).
    § Intellectual Property: Implementation of IP strategy; R&D agreements, consortium agreements, license agreements, patent assignments, French and European Public Procurement (ESA, CEA, CNES, CNRS...); Supervision of trademarks management; litigation management (French and International, negotiation of settlement agreement, work with external counsels abroad, etc...); management of NDAs (redaction, negotiation, follow-up, French/English).
  • Toulouse Tech Transfer (SATT) - Senior Legal Counsel

    2012 - 2013 Sectors: Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics, New Technology, Mechanical, Engineering, Physics, Pharmacy, Medicine, Biotechnology.
    * Analysis, negotiations and contracts drafting on behalf of TTT and/or on the behalf of Public Establishments (ISAE, INSA, ENAC, CNRS, CNES, INSERM, INPT...) with third parties (IFPEN, Thales, EADS, Pierre FABRE Laboratories...);
    * Legal counsel to TTT businesses, drafting and negotiation of various IP agreements, licenses, framework agreements, material transfer agreements, sponsorship agreements, and issues related to transaction matters;
    * Supervise and manages administrative and legislation proceedings related to patents;
    * Negotiation with each party involved in the contracts;
    * Provide feedback to TTT's managers;
    * Implementation of solutions to improve existing documentation, drafts, term-sheets and procedures.
    Main tasks:
    § Intellectual Property : Contractual negotiation with and on the behalf of clients and partners for all types of agreements as: frame-contracts, consortiums, transfer agreements (company share, copyrights and patents); R&D agreements; MTA; purchase, supply and maintenance contracts; operating contracts (license agreements for patents, copyrights and know-how); joint ownership agreements, NDA; partnerships agreements mainly on the behalf of clients (ISAE, UPS, INSA, ENA, INPT, CNRS, COMUE, INSERM, CNES, CEA, DELAIRTECH...);
    § Corporate: Reshaping of the company's contractual data base; social contracts; financial agreements and partnerships; R&D agreements for all Public Establishments, term-sheets standard models; Management of NDAs (redaction, negotiation, follow-up); Implementation of the process linked to contract reviews; Legal counsel day to day work (various legal researches, drafting of memos for internal managers and President).
  • Cabinet ALTIJ - Trademark Attorney

    Toulouse 2010 - 2012 Sectors: Food and Spirits, Banking, Finance, Medicine, Pharmacy, Cosmetics, IT/Telecom/New Technology, Medical, Fashion, Consumer products, Distribution, Luxury, Culture, Medias, Sports.
    * IP management: trademarks, patents, designs and models anteriority searches, negotiations with owners, applications, oppositions, registrations and cancellations proceedings near French, European, International and National Foreign Registers.
    * Patents, Trademarks and designs surveys;
    * Consultations in the fields of IP, Business, Tax and Criminal Business Laws to Clients.
    * Negotiations and contracts drafting : Transfer agreements (company shares, copyrights, trademarks, patents, models, designs and copyrights); License agreements (brands, designs and/or patent) ; outsourcing contracts; joint ownership agreements, coexistence agreements; NDA; partnerships conventions; purchase and supply agreements...
    * IP enforcement/litigation: oppositions, cancellation action, revocation action for non use, assign-back action, dilution, counterfeiting, unfair competition and parasitism.
    Main tasks: § Audit of existing IP portfolios. Creation of foreign correspondents data-base and schedule of fees. IP portfolio management, IP strategy consulting, litigation and contracts management.
  • RAVINA SA - Associate Director & Head of Legal department

    2000 - 2010 Sectors: Food , Spirits , Fashion , Medias, Banking, Real Estate, Finance , Cosmetics, IT/ Telecom/New Technology, Medical, Pharmacy, Consumer products, Distribution, Luxury and Culture.
    * Contract management (licensing, franchising, data outsourcing, trade secrets assignments, co-existence agreements);
    * IP enforcement/litigation: oppositions, cancellation action, revocation action for non-use, assign-back action, dilution, counterfeiting, unfair competition and parasitism;
    * Prosecution of trademarks, patents, designs, copyright, domain names, International deposit in EU, international filings through the Madrid, PCT, Hague System and abroad.
    * Conducting market search/investigation, negotiations/mediation.
    * Negotiation and drafting of manufacturing agreements, services agreements, sponsorships, partnerships, supply agreements, licensing agreements, NDAs, term sheets.
    * Supervise and manages administrative and legislation proceedings related to patents, trademarks, copyright, models and designs; Research and legal watch;
    * Participation and assistance to clients `oppositions (OEB/Munich - OAMI/Alicante);
    * Provides guidance on intellectual property strategies as well as analyze third-party intellectual property competitive intelligence related to clients strategies;
    * Interacts with patent analysts, inventors, client organizations and third parties.
    Main tasks:
    * IP Law: IP portfolio management/IP strategy consulting, litigation and contracts management.
    § Corporate: Supervise and manages administrative and legislation proceedings related to the Board and General Assembly + formalities; Improvement of the company's general politic (management, accounting and social); Handled risk management activities.
  • PMTL - Marketing and Finance Manager

    1997 - 1999 Sectors: Aerospace, Automotive, Materials, Mechanical, Engineering.
    Main tasks:
    § Marketing: Management and development of the company marketing strategy through the signage unit, organization of trade fairs, market and competitors searches, implementation and management of customer satisfaction (VAS).
    * Accounting: Manager in charge of invoices registration and survey, banks accounts...


  • INPI

    Paris 2008 - 2009 Official Qualification in Industrial Property Law

    * Diploma in International Industrial Studies at CEIPI (Center for International Industrial Property Studies, Strasbourg, France), Accelerated tuition "Trademarks and industrial designs " module - (honors) 2008
  • CEIPI - Center For International Industrial Property Studies,

    Strasbourg 2007 - 2008 Diploma in International Industrial Studies at CEIPI (Center for International Industrial Property Studies

    Accelerated tuition "Trademarks and industrial designs " module - (honors) 2008
  • Université Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales

    Toulouse 2004 - 2005 Masters Degree

    IP laws; Law of contracts ; Commercial law; Public law ; Company law ; European law ; Tax; International law; Common law ; Criminal Business law ; Securities ; Civil and administrative procedure
  • Toulouse Business School

    Toulouse 1997 - 1999 Qualification course in marketing, management and sales Force

  • Université Des Sciences Sociales Toulouse 1

    Toulouse 1992 - 1995 Degree of Law
  • Northview High-School (Grand Rapids)

    Grand Rapids 1990 - 1991 Graduated


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