
Thierry DERAND


En résumé

I am currently a senior manager at NVIDIA.

My experiences provided me with the following expertise

- Strong experience in team management (task scheduling, people motivation, issue management, communication, performance appraisals)
- Can lead several teams in parallel
- Built up teams from scratch to develop new activities in the company.
- Project management: deliverables, costs, resources management, risks management, control of the good quality of projects
- Support to customers
- Strong system validation experience on phones with 2G/3G/4G technologies.
- Test automation development and optimization for system tests on phones and tablets on various OSes to ensure non regression and robustness testing.

Mes compétences :


  • Nvidia - Senior QA Manager

    Courbevoie 2010 - maintenant - Management of diverse teams, multiple nationalities, different sizes, members from new grad level to Sr Engineers.
    - Establishment of the planning for several teams in parallel taking into account:
    * different internal and customers projects with their constraints and task priorities
    * requests from different development teams
    * different travels for different members
    - Recruitment, performance appraisals and pay raise management
    - Reporting to management of the result and status of validations and follow up of projects with customers
    - Coordination with different customers and teams across the company
    - Presentation of test plans and results to customers and operators.
    - Setup of an automated frameworks for the validation of phones/tablets
    - Setup of a database + website to better communicate results from automated testing across the company
    - Maintenance and optimization of automated validation tools to ensure non regression and robustness testing
    - Bug tracking
    - Setup and follow up of validation activities
    - Test plans definition
    - Support operators for new features deployment on their networks
    - Support to customers on site
  • Icera - QA Manager

    MOUGINS 2007 - 2010 Team management, team planning, task priorities, coordination with different teams across the company, recruitment, performance appraisals, team work reporting to management, bug tracking
    Test plans definition to ensure the quality of speech (protocol cs and ps, audio, Supplementary Services…), other phone features such as AGPS, Power consumption…
  • Icera - QA Engineer

    MOUGINS 2005 - 2006 Validation of Icera product in the field, labs in France, Europe, Japan…
    GCF, operator approval, IOT, field tests on Icera and customer products.
    Support to operator approval like Softbank in Japan.
    Bug reporting. Test fixes. Close work with different development teams.
    Support customers on site to get their product approved by the different operators
  • France Telecom R&D/Orange - Validation Engineer

    2004 - 2005 - 3G handsets validation: The goal was to validate and guarantee correct behavior of mobile phones selected by Orange before being put on the market and sold to customers. The focus was on 3G/2G Protocol validation (CS, PS, Mobility management, Throughput testing…). The validation was done in a lab with mobile phones connected to Node Bs and BTS. Reports were generated and bugs reported to manufacturers. Support to manufacturers to gather logs on site.
    - Study of commercial chipset: The purpose was to meet different manufacturers to discuss their roadmaps and understand with them the next available features. Data were processed to understand alignments between infrastructure and mobile manufacturers and thus decide what the features that could be offered by Orange were.
    - Provide 3G(UMTS/HSDPA) protocol trainings. Write content of the lessons and teach them.

    Technical environment:
    - Network infrastructures from Alcatel, Nortel, Nokia and Motorola,
    - Network analyzers such as Nemo,
    - 3GPP specification
    - Protocol layers: L1, L2, L3
    - QXDM, XCAL logging tools
  • Wavecom - Development Engineer

    Issy les Moulineaux 2002 - 2004 3G (UMTS) physical layer simulator development. The goal was to create a simulator for the 3G layer 1.
    I had to integrate individual blocks developed by other people in one common simulation environment. As some blocks were missing, I had to develop the missing part of code to get an entire system that was able to simulate the layer 1. Then the goal was to use this system to get results from different types of simulation and improve the performances of the final design.
    This simulator was developed using Cossap software

    Technical environment: C, Linux, Cossap, 3GPP specification
  • Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs - Research Engineer

    2000 - 2002 Signal processing research and development for 3G (UMTS/HSDPA/CDMA2000) mobile phones.
    Algorithms design and implementation of the physical layer in a simulated 3G system to support contributions to 2 papers on turbo coding. Presentation of research results during conferences.

    Technical environment: Matlab, C, Windows XP, 3GPP specification



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