


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Bilan carbone
Étude de faisabilité de projets
Animation de formations
Direction de projet
Partenariat public privé
Gestion budgétaire
Ingénierie de formation
Prospection commerciale
Analyse de données
Gestion de projets internationaux
Développement durable
�tude de faisabilit� de projets


  • ONF International - Employé

    2005 - maintenant - Afforestation and Reforestation activities (AR), Avoided deforestation (REDD), and bioenergy projects;
    - Forest engineering related to commercial forest plantations, forest management, agroforestry and silvo-pasture activities;
    - Development and Desk Review (UNFCCC AR-CDM MethPanel, Plan Vivo TAP) of methodologies for GHG mitigation projects under CDM, JI or voluntary market (baseline and monitoring)
    - Development of methodologies (AR-NM0030, AR-AM0007 V3) and tools for carbon estimation/modelisation and monitoring (ONFI CAMARA) in forestry activities;
    - Realization of Bilan CarboneTM
    - Feasibility studies of CDM and Voluntary Afforestation/reforestation, REDD and Bioenergy projects: identification of project participants and institutional framework, technical and organizational design, methodological design (eligibility, baseline scenario, additionality), financial and economic evaluation, elaboration of Project Design Documents;
    - Project management: coordination and planning of activities, HR management, logistic, administrative and financial management.
    - Lectures and trainings



Annuaire des membres :