


En résumé

PhD Student in Electronic Engineering at University of Caen. My thesis consists in developing suspended bolometers based on functional oxides. In particular, I worked on the fabrication and characterization of bolometers as well as material characterization (structural, electrical and thermal). I developed scientific skills in modeling (finite elements), in technological manufacturing (follow-up of realization in clean room, technological processes and realization) and in thermal and electrical characterization as well as transversal skills in project management and intellectual property. I set up optical benches to make optical characterization. I used lasers in the visible and near infrared and also a black body.


  • Laboratoire Greyc - PhD Student

    2016 - maintenant Topic: "Innovative radiation detectors based on functional oxides"
    - Management of a research topic
    - Autonomy
    - International publications and presentations.
    - Responsibilities of laboratory operation and supervision.
    - Teaching: TP electronic integrated circuits, TD mechanical and electronic and circuits and components.
  • Eletrobras Distribuição Piauí (Energy Distribution Company) - Hardware developement engineer - Intern

    2014 - 2016 Technical and Scientific Collaboration Program between LIMC/UFCG (Laboratory of instrumentation and scientific metrology) and Eletrobras Distribuição Piauí, energy distribution company. Development of a data acquisition system for the diagnosis of a grounding system subjected to electric current impulses.
    - Electronic circuit design
    - Microcontroller DSPIC
    - Wireless sensor network Zigbee
  • Laboratoire GREYC - Intern

    2014 - 2014 Characterization of LSMO micro-bolometers micro-machined on silicon.
    - Measure their detection characteristics: electrical sensitivity, optical sensitivity using a 630 nm laser, response time constant and noise.


  • Grenoble INP Phelma

    Grenoble 2013 - 2014 Exchange program Brazil CAPES-BRAFITEC.
  • University Federal Of Campina Grande (Campina Grande)

    Campina Grande 2010 - 2016 Electrical engineering


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