


En résumé

Master student of International Purchasing & Innovation Management
Graduate with a dual French and German BA degree in International Management

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Office


  • Airbus Group - Airframe Procurement

    Blagnac 2014 - 2014 Procurement Airframe SC Improvement Department
    - Tracking and analyzing missing parts;
    - Project support on Stock Optimization;
    - Analysis of additional demands (SAP);
    - Maintenance of Material Master Data.
  • Square Habitat - Marketing internship

    2012 - 2012 - Market research and analysis for three departments;
    - Web-statistics tracking analysis;
    - Operational marketing with focus groups
  • Crédit Agricole - Receptionniste

    Montrouge 2010 - 2011 - Customer services;
    - Administrative operations;
    - Marketing of banking products and services.


  • KEDGE Business Schoo

    Bordeaux 2014 - 2015 Master of Science in International Purchasing & Innovation Management

    Subjects studied: Purchasing tools, Strategy and technics: value chain analysis, sourcing, finance, negotiation, reverse marketing, innovation management etc.
  • Hochschule Bremen

    Bremen 2012 - 2014 BA Dual Degree

    Bachelor of Arts in International Management: 4 year program with 2 years in France and 2 years in Germany
  • Kedge Business School

    Marseille 2010 - 2014 Dual Degree French and German in International Management

    Subjects studied: Statistics, International Trade, Business law (in French), Accounting, Marketing


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