


En résumé

Career Objective:
Finding a suitable position of accountant, cost& analytic accountant, or ?management controller? (using analytic accounting to provide decision support and reporting about performance by periodicity between operational levels and managerial activities and proves my effort to apply:

-Costs, pricing policy and revenues analysis& control.
-Explaining activities centers and personnel contributions and responsibilities regarding incomes.
-Mathematic predictions of product or/and services life-cycles and conceive markets trends (season?s phenomenon and probabilities (extrapolations, customers? behaviors).
-The conception of evaluating criteria to reach customer and stakeholders satisfactions.
-Can establish, manage and control budgets in order to minimize costs, increase revenues and computing the difference between what was predicted and what is done or observed, and taking corrective actions.
-Stock management and work flows optimizations and synergies.
-Bargain by justifications& usefulness of actions to take.
-Risks management and the strategic management were also in my field of studies and reflections.
-I?d imagine some ways of voting in order to more satisfy the majority of needs&desires of who give his voice. I name it ?level-headed votings?.
-Other fields of managements like marketing, product conception (mostly the artistic design) are also suitable to my skills. "optimizing solutions, for reaching Clients and stakeholder?s satisfactions, money and growth"...

Mes compétences :
Comptabilité analytique
Comptable Contrôleur de Gestion
Contrôleur de gestion


  • Xceed contact centre - Represantant de services à la clientèle (Customer services representative)

    2006 - maintenant From 29th January 2006 to 28th August 2009, I worked at "Xceed contact centre" (Smart Village, Egypt), as:

    *Customer services representative, in a french "Xceed" client's account, from July 2008: providing telephone and television services in french hospitals

    *Previously, i was agent for the technical support of the Canadian company "Vidéotron". starting from July 2007, my job was to trouble-shoot problems affecting customer's Internet and telephone services within optic cables technologies, working on a system based tool in order to complete the job tasks. receiving calls from Quebec (Canada).

    *Before these, I was working in the microsoft account: my duties were to provide software activation, "volume licenses keys", and manage "terminal server" licenses. the customers were from France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

    Depuis le 29 janvier 2006 jusqu'au 28 août 2009, je travaillais dans le centre d'appel "Xceed" au "Village futé" (Smart village, Égypte), comme:

    *Représentant de services à la clientèle, à partir de Juillet 2008, sous-traitant pour un client français les prestations des services de téléphone et de télévisions dans des hôpitaux français.

    *je travaillais avant, depuis juillet 2007, comme agent pour le compte du service de soutient technique de l'entreprise Québécoise "Vidéotron", j'y faisait du "trouble-shooting" à distance, et des placements de techniciens pour le dépannages des services d'internet et de téléphonie, utilisant la technologie du câble optique. je recevais les appels du Québec.

    *avant cela, j'étais agent de services à la clientèle du département du centre d'activation de logiciels de Microsoft, délivrant aussi des "clés de volume en licences", et gérant les licences de "serveurs terminaux", pour la France, la Suisse, la Belgique, et le Luxembourg.


  • Institut D'Administration Des Entreprises IAE

    Paris 2004 - 2007 Master français en controle de gestion et audit

    mémoire de fin d'études: améliorer la performance grâce au Knowledge Management

    (Master of advanced degree delivered by France, in management control and auditing)
  • Arab Academy For Science, Technology And Maritime Transport (Alexandria)

    Alexandria 1999 - 2003 bachelor (bacaloréos) de management- gestion financiere et marketing

    mention bien

    (bachelor of management (financial management and marketing)trilingual program:60%French, 30%English, 10%Arabic. MENTION:"GOOD")
  • Ecole Supérieure Libre Des Sciences Commerciales Appliquées ESLSCA

    Paris 1999 - 2003 management- gestion financiere et marketing

    l'Ecole Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales Appliquée était en collaboration avec "Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport"
    J'en ai obtenu le diplome de fin d'etudes de l'INSAM
  • Lycée Français Du Caire (Le Caire)

    Le Caire 1986 - 1999 baccalauréat scientifique francais

    option de mathématique

    (French scientific high school degree, specialization of mathematics. the school belong to the Academy of Lyon and the French embassy in Cairo)


Annuaire des membres :