


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Field work
Ant taxonomy
Molecular biology


  • CNRS - Doctoral student

    Paris 2012 - maintenant
  • Cnrs - Internship

    Paris 2012 - 2012 Study of the functional groups and ecological role of ants in a forest fragment in French Guiana. (in collaboration with Mickal Houadria, supervision by Florian Menzel and Jérôme Orivel).

    - Developed a methodology to associate ants to ecosystem functions
    - Combined several field methods for ant sampling
    - Classified ants to morphospecies based on taxonomy
    - Assessed biodiversity with standard methods
    - Used multivariate analyses to cluster ants into functional groups
    - Modeled the participation of ants on ecosytem processes

    Articles in preparation
  • Cnrs - Student

    Paris 2011 - 2012 Study of the use of epiphytic aroids as indicators of forest management and forest recovery in the Paracou Forest (supervision by Marc Gibernau).

    - Monitored epiphytic and hemiepiphytic aroids in forest transects in different forest plots.
    - Georeferenced the position of aroids to extract information of several environmental variables
    - Carried statistical analysis to determine ecological gradients, and assess the power of aroids as a surrogate of forest regeneration (ordination techniques, permutation analysis, direct gradient analysis with several diversity index scores, evaluation of the effects of surface on several diversity indexes.)

    Article in preparation
  • CNRS - Internship student

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Identification of fungal patch identity in an obligate ant-plant-fungus association (Supervisor: Rumsais Blatrix).

    - DNA barcoding of the fungal patches found on the domatia of the myrmecophytic plant Barteria fistulosa inhabited by its mutualistic ant Tetraponera aethiops.
    - PCR, electrophoresis, used standard protocols for DNA extraction and selected specific fragments for the fungal species found.

    Article in press.
  • CNRS - Internship student

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Study of the role of food preferences as a mutualistic filter in obligate plant-ant interactions in French Guiana

    - Identified and collected 5 myrmecophyte species associated to 11 ant species
    - Reared more than 100 obligate plant-ant colonies for several months, out of their host plants
    - Carried food preference tests
    - Found food preferences relationships in relation to host-plant and ants taxonomy

    Paper in preparation
  • INRA - Internship student

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Study of the forest management effects on biogeochemical cycles and soil fertility in different forests plantation under different edaphic conditions and climates (Supervisors: Jacques Ranger, Arnaud Légout).

    - Compiled data (5 doctoral thesis + data bases from the Renecofor network),
    - Homogenized data sets (edaphic profiles, chemical extraction methods...)
    - Carried multivariate analysis to find correlation between several edaphic traits and element fluxes and plant production and productivity.
    - Developed management guidelines


  • AgroParisTech

    Paris 2011 - 2012 Modelisation, Biostats, Tropical Forest Ecology
  • Université Montpellier 2 Sciences Et Technique Du Languedoc

    Montpellier 2010 - 2011 Master 1

    Functional ecology, Ecological theories, Ecosystem Functioning, Biostats, Entomology
  • AgroParisTech ENGREF

    Paris 2009 - 2010 Engineer

    Programme d'échange Erasmus Ploytechnique Madrid- Agroparistech.
  • Polytechnic University E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación (Madrid)

    Madrid 2004 - 2009 Engineer

    Forestry - Forest management and ordination, Sylviculture, Botanics, Entomology, Hydrology, Topography, Technical Design,


Annuaire des membres :