

San Diego

En résumé

Née aux US d’une famille d’artistes musiciens, comédiens, toute son enfance se déroule à l’arrière d’une vieille Buick, de ville en ville, de cinéma en cinéma.
De ce voyage, elle a tiré, rassemblé et mis en scène son propre talent.
Dessin, costumes, production de films indépendants, lumières de théâtre, graphismes, travaux sur le papier, installations et aménagements d’expositions.
Son travail reflète toutes ces expériences collectées au fil de ses rencontres et de son implication dans des projets artistiques très variés.
Son art s’exprime à travers une infinie variété de matériaux et matières dont elle fait émerger ses rêves et ses voyages.
Son amour du papier, de l’encre, des couleurs et des textures traduit un langage expressif universel qu’elle propose simplement aux amateurs de songes et aux curieux.
Dans cette danse, c’est par les mains d’Arita que tout passe, elles sont l’instrument qui donne aux choses poésie et couleurs.

Mes compétences :
Graphic design
Logo design
Web Design
Print Prepress


  • Pillowbook Publishing - Photographer

    San Diego 2011 - maintenant released Promenade à Travers Biot (A Walk Through Biot) .This book tenderly trains its view on everything from the particular shifts of light and shadow that occur a few kilometers from the Mediterranean to the town’s history-soaked architecture and peculiar whimsy. This book is a unique amalgam of history, art, and experience.
  • Arita Designs - Owner and Graphic Designer

    2004 - maintenant Creative principle of project based design group contracted for small business needs in both print and web graphics.
  • InOut Graphics - Lead Designer

    2002 - 2004 Manage and coordinate both silk screening and full color graphics production for promotional product printing facility. Maintain both printed and online
    catalog of products as well as all marketing material. Design and produce full line of calendars, sports schedules and full color magnetic products.
    Oversee full color printing process.
  • - Imaging Specialist

    Clichy 1996 - 2002 Manipulated and processed catalog images to online database, working with both outside vendors and in-house departments to insure quality and streamline
    processing of submissions. Handled overflow of design and graphic needs from Web Design and Graphics Departments. Restructured and maintained
    multiple image libraries for online departments and editorial needs for each category. Designed in-house digital photo studio to handle ever-expanding
    product lines and need for 3D product images. Coordinated daily product shoot schedules, prepared products and shoot bays for photography, maintained
    records of inventory requests from warehouse, vendors and editorial departments. Collaboration with core teams assigned to new product launches and
    enhanced customer experience, ultimately achieving a place on the international launch teams to UK, Germany and France as Image Specialist.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :