


En résumé

Every flower blooms at a different pace. As a soon-to-graduate engineering student, leadership, spreading enthusiasm to people surrounding me and building win-win relationships along with a forward-thinking nature, are my sweet spot.

During my studies, I've always managed to combine work with other commitments. My volunteering journey started at the age of 11 when I joined ASF (a women’ sports association) as a basketball player for a metamorphosing 8 years’ experience, including 1 year as a team captain. Then, my passion for exploring new fields lead me to the JUNIOR ENTERPRISE movement, where I worked 9 months as an active member, 13 months as the president of JUNIOR ENIT, during which we won the projects award, and 4 months as the Tunisian confederation enlargement manager.

My professional journey includes a blend of experiences as an intern with 6 different companies: Tunisie Telecom, Huawei Technologies, Advancia IT System, Cloud Temple Tunisia, Austrian institute of technology and Business & Decision Group.

Now, I’m willing to put that perseverance to work as a data scientist.

If you’re interested in grabbing coffee and talking science, music or basketball, please email me at



    2014 - 2015 La Junior Entreprise de l’ENIT a vu le jour en Mai 2005 sur l’initiative d’un groupe d’étudiants motivés qui ont cherché à implémenter le modèle de la Junior Entreprise en Tunisie pour faire face aux carences du système de l’enseignement supérieur en termes de stages et de pratique.

    L’un des principaux volets sur lequel nous travaillons est l’étude et la réalisation de projets dans les différents domaines. Notre effectif étant riche de membres exerçants dans différentes spécialités de l’ingénierie, nous agissons sur un large terrain de domaines aussi variés qu’importants.


  • ENIT(Ecole Nationale D'Ingénieurs De Tunis) (Tunis)

    Tunis 2013 - maintenant Telecommunications
  • Tunis Preparatory Institute For Engineering Studies (IPEIT) (Tunis)

    Tunis 2011 - 2013 maths_physics
  • Lycée Rue De Russie (Tunis)

    Tunis 2007 - 2011 Baccalauréat


Annuaire des membres :