


En résumé

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  • Groupe SEB Canada - Finance Director

    2017 - maintenant
  • Groupe SEB - Industrial Controlling Manager - Brazil & South Cone

    Vernon 2016 - 2017
  • Groupe SEB - Controlling Manager Brasil

    Vernon 2013 - 2016 •Assure the preparation, analysis and report of information about monthly operational income and budgets, in order to contribute to the calculation of Groupe SEB global results.
    •Controlling scope: Core Business Brasilian market, Exportation (Paraguay, Uruguay) and the 30 operated stores “Home & Cook” in Brasil.
    •Assure the financial analysis of new products and projects, to support the process of decision making.
    •Participate in innovation projects for product lines, to evaluate the financial viability and value-added of the new products to the company.
    •Management of 2 controllers.
  • Groupe SEB - Contrôleur de Gestion Corporate

    Vernon 2010 - 2013 •Implementation of analysis on working capital to the Group COMEX in coordination with the credit management and supply chain group.
    •Revision of the price / mix / volume and standard gross margin analysis.
    •Animation of the monthly reporting and preparation of summary statements (sales, expenses).
    •Monitoring of budget, forecast and quarterly/annual closing.
    •Monitoring of the operating account of the non-integrated acquisitions (planning and reporting).
    •Establishment of a "balanced scorecard" for the Group COMEX.
  • Groupe SEB USA / T-Fal - Junior Financial Analyst

    2008 - 2010 • Manage the reporting schedule from the markets and the factory to Continental level and from Continent to corporate (letter-of-month, budget, forecasts, etc).
    • Validate and coordinate the markets reporting to get Continental P&L and KPIs.
    • Ensure adherence within markets to Group instructions, policies, and procedures.
    • Respond to Groupe information requests as needed – Supply Chain reporting, R&D, HR, other corporate functions.
    • Analyze business reports by reviewing the information, questioning issues, identifying trends, identifying areas for improvement or opportunity thus providing the business with insight.
    •Work with business controllers to identify and define variances or problems, evaluate alternatives, and implement effective solutions
    • Help in the preparation of the financial communication to investor relation dpt
    • Participate in audits (planning, closing, action planning, follow up)
  • Groupe SEB France - Assistant Contrôle de Gestion

    2007 - 2008 Leader mondial du Petit Equipement Domestique.

    Mission: Etude et remise à plat des procédures de gestion des stocks.
    Participation au quotidien des tâches du service contrôle de gestion (suivi des frais commerciaux, budget,...)
  • CTC Groupe - Système d'informations Marketing

    Lyon cedex 07 2006 - 2006 Leader mondial en contrôle qualité et conseil dans l’industrie du cuir, chaussure, maroquinerie et textile.

    Mission; Modernisation de la stratégie Marketing Relation Client et mise en place de la Gestion Relation Client au niveau international.
  • AIC Network - Commercial

    2005 - 2005 Services Internet, réseaux privés - VPN, hébergement multi site, opérateur privé de télécommunications pour les entreprises (Téléphonie sur IP)

    Mission; Suivi commercial, prospection téléphonique, organisation d’évènements relationnels, lancement solutions Téléphonie sur IP.


  • University Of Northumbria At Newcastle (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

    Newcastle Upon Tyne 2006 - 2007 Finance
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce (Lyon)

    Lyon 2003 - 2008 Marketing et Management Européen spécialisation Finance


Annuaire des membres :