


En résumé

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  • Bull S.A.S.

  • Creation in progress - Open source Founder/Entrepreneur

    2009 - maintenant I'm the lead architect of Bonita Open Source BPM Solution. I'm in charge of the architectural and development tasks related to Bonita v4 releases. I'm also providing training and expertise around this version to customers in Europe.

    I have a strong experience developing BPM/SOA applications in critical customer environments by leveraging Java, Eclipse and GWT technologies.

    I'm currently founding an open source software company's focused on Business Process Management.

    Main goal of the company is to become the leading open source actor in the Business Process Management Solutions Market. Key differentiators of our solution are: easy to use and easy to integrate BPM capabilities. The whole project is based on the open source project Bonita [], the process engine of the OW2 consortium [].

    On the meantime, we are still providing professional support around the Bonita project to both new and existing customers. if you need expertise, training or support for your projects, don't hesitate to contact us.

    Stay tuned,...
  • Bull - Java Architect

    Les Clayes-sous-Bois 2004 - 2009



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