
Dominique JOB


En résumé

Having been trained in Physics and Mathematics, I obtained a Master`s degree in Physics at the Univ of Dakar, Senegal. Then, in 1969, I joined the laboratory of Plant Biochemistry (CNRS/ Marseilles Univ; Pr J Ricard) to prepare a thesis on the physicochemical properties of various plant hemeproteins (stopped-flow; T-Jump relaxation and low temperature kinetics). I was recruited at CNRS in 1970. This work was extended during two postdoctoral fellowships at the Dept of Chemistry (Pr HB Dunford, Univ Alberta, Canada), then at the Univ of Newcastle upon Tyne, (Pr P Jones, UK).
In 1980, back to Marseilles, I started studying the mechanisms of transcription in plants. Major findings were the elucidation of the mechanisms contributing to the processivity of transcription elongation, the mechanism of action of α-amanitin and the influence of the sequence and conformation of the DNA template on the velocity and fidelity of transcription.
In 1992, I moved to Lyon to integrate the UMR041 CNRS/Rhône-Poulenc, a public-private joint laboratory, now the UMR5240 CNRS/Bayer CropScience (Pr R Douce), to work on seed physiology and on the characterization of plant specific metabolic pathways (essential amino acids and vitamins). I was successively deputy Head, then Head, then again deputy Head of this laboratory over the period 1993-2010. In 1999, I started a systematic study of the Arabidopsis seed proteome.
I have been, since 2000, involved in the promotion of plant genomics in France (Genoplante) and Europe (Plant KBBE). Also, since 2008, I have been working toward the establishment of an International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO), of which I was the first president.
I am member of the Editorial Board of Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, Seed Science Research, and Associate Editor of Frontiers in Plant Proteomics. I am Emeritus CNRS Research Director from 5 June 2012, consulting Professor at AgroParisTech and Member of the French Academy of Agriculture.

Mes compétences :


  • The Evaluation Agency of Research and Higher Education - Scientific delegate

    2012 - 2013 Evaluation of research laboratories
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche - Calls for projects in plant and animal genomics - Chairman of the scientific committee

    2008 - 2010
  • Strategic Advisory Board of the German Program for Plant Genomics and Biotechnology - SAB Member

    2006 - maintenant Member of GABI (now Plant 2030 - Plant Biotechnology for the Future), the German program on plant genomics and plant biotechnologies
  • CNRS - Scientific coordinator & manager of the Genoplante program (French Program in Plant Genomics)

    Paris 2001 - 2010 Scientific coordinator Genoplante. Responsible for the opening of national programs on plant genomics and plant biotechnology (French-German joints projects; trilateral initiatives between France, Germany, Spain; Plant-KBBE)
  • Génoplante - Scientific coordinator

    2000 - 2007 Scientific coordinator of the Génoplante program (French national program in plant genomics)
  • CNRS - CNRS Research Director (Emeritus since 2012)

    Paris 1970 - maintenant Researcher in Plant Biology


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :