
Dr. David BENSA


En résumé


Master Négociateur d'affaires
- Developpement commercial B to B
- Commerce international, Négociations
- Stratégie, Marketing et vente d'affaires
- Bussiness Plan, Finances, Supply chain, Achats
- Intelligence économique, veille concurrentielle

Doctorat Chimie organique
- Synthèse multi-étapes, Synthèse énantiosélective, Synthèse d'hétérocycles, d'alcaloïdes,…
- Scale-up, Lead optimisation et librairies.
- Marquage à froid sélectif.
- Analyses et caractérisations de composés organique. (RMN, LC-MS et GC-MS, IR, GC et HPLC).

- Activité de conseils -
- Etudes bibliographiques, élaboration de plan de synthèse, évaluation et chiffrage, amélioration de voie de synthèse.
- Qualité ISO 9001.

- Langues et Communications -
Anglais bilingue (2 ans aux USA, 16 mois au Royaume Uni) et Allemand (lu et écrit)

- Compétences Informatique -
- Windows, MS Office, WinNMR, Mestrec, ChemDraw, IsisDraw, Masslynx.
- Bases de Données Bibliographiques: SciFinder CA et Beilstein.


- Encadrement Ingénieurs, techniciens et étudiants.
- Octobre 2000, Co-Organisation du 1er Symposium Sigma-Aldrich / SFC pour Jeunes Chimistes (SAJEC 2000, Aix-en-Provence)


- Plus de 10 publications dans de grandes revues internationales (J. Org. Chem., Org. Lett., Chemistry, Synthesis, Synlett,...)
- Traduction d'ouvrages scientifiques

Mes compétences :
Commercial export


  • WeylChem - Sales manager AI&R

    2012 - maintenant
  • Activation - Ingénieur de recherche

    2009 - 2009 Améliorations de voie de synthèse en vue d'industrialisation
  • Processium - Ingénieur Commercial Export

    Saint-Chamond 2009 - 2012
  • EDELRIS - Chercheur en Chimie Médicinale, Hit-to-Lead Optimisation

    2008 - 2009
  • AtlanChim - Chef de projet

    2006 - 2007
  • The University of Sheffield - Posdoctoral Research Associate

    2005 - 2006 It was a very good experience in synthetic organic chemistry as a postdoctoral research assistant. This project required the design, development and refining of experiments in organic chemistry. I have learned new skills and new reactions, working in a new environment in new laboratories and interacting with chemists and biologists. I have carried out the practical experiments, analyzed and recorded data to aid the design of future research and produced useful finding for other researchers. The design and implementation of experiments went alongside their purification and spectroscopic analysis and was an on-going process that allowed material to be brought through the synthesis to provide the desired tricyclic core and analogs for biological tests. With a successful key step, the work is going to be written for publication in internationally leading journals and will be presented at national and international conferences or seminars to disseminate the research findings. In addition, I have developped managerial skills not just within the project but also by liaising with other members of the research group, discussing a variety of different research and helping the supervision of the group and laboratory.

    PROJECT: Evaluation of a Novel Approach Towards the Synthesis of Sarain A.

    This is a high quality research project at the forefront of organic chemistry. It aims to provide an extremely efficient method to allow the preparation of the important alkaloids sarains A–C. These alkaloids were isolated in 1989 from the Mediterranean sponge Reniera sarai and are known to have anticancer, antibacterial and insecticidal activity. The main thrust of the project is to develop new chemistry that would provide a controlled access to the core of these natural products. A chemical synthesis of these compounds and simplified analogs would provide material for biological assays.
  • University of California, Riverside - Posdoctoral Research Assistant

    2003 - 2005 Research in the field of multistep synthesis is in constant evolution with the potential to obtain new findings. The unpredictability of research means that daily planning needs to accommodate new developments. I have developed a new experience of designing and developing research (2 years) in a relevant field, Synthetic Organic Chemistry. I have started and completed the syntheses in 15 steps of 2 potential anti-AIDS alkaloids in the group of the Professor Steven R. Angle.

    I have written a paper recently published in a high quality international journal. I have co-ordinated and liaised with other group members over work progress, supervised research team/activities and shown interpersonal and communication skills to present findings at conferences and conduct effective working relationships.



Annuaire des membres :