


En résumé

I had the chance to work in different fields : in hotel business, telemarketing, recruitment, sales and as facilities assistant. I wish to share my experiences and skills with new opportunities.

Parcours atypique enrichi en expériences professionnelles variées telles que l'accueil en hôtellerie, le recrutement en cabinet généralisé ou spécialisé en SSII, le commercial, l'assistanat auprès des services généraux dans une grande entreprise internationale, le fil conducteur reste toujours l'accompagnement ou l'information, la polyvalence, les challenges, les contacts, l'envie de relever de nouveaux défis dans un environnement polyglotte et de culture variée, participer et contribuer quelque soit la fonction occupée au développement et aux valeurs de l'entreprise avec une ouverture d'esprit, sur le monde nous entourant.

Mes compétences :
rooms booking, schedule management, team building
communication skills, webmaster
providers + invoices management
coordination and management support
Responsible for trainings, updates & replacement
Logistics, events follow-up
Microsoft Office
Project supervision, establishment of offices


  • Google (ARAMARK) - Facilities assistant

    2013 - 2014 Facilities assistant (REWS) ARAMARK (℅ GOOGLE)
    * Head of communication and internal relations, in charge of services dedicated to
    * Involvement and project supervision, coordination support, maintenance, logistics and events :
    establishment of offices, inauguration of Cultural Institute, team building.
    * Webmaster of REWS Paris site, test and evaluation of software or specific tools.
    * Administrative Assistant : follow-­up of invoices, providers management, administrative duties, reports, schedule management, rooms booking.
  • Google (ARAMARK) - Facilities receptionist

    2011 - 2012 Facilities receptionist (REWS) ARAMARK (℅ GOOGLE)
    * Guests and VIPs welcoming, customer service support, conciergerie.
    * Responsible for mails+mailroom, delivery services, documents and packages management.
    * Administrative duties, internal communication.
    * Training and management of replacement, updates of training.
  • DSM Espace Fenêtre - Commercial assistant

    2010 - 2011 * Prospecting, sales, negotiation, appointment setting, estimation costs, invoices.
  • SIGHT - Staff and Recruitment officer

    2009 - 2009 IT Profiles
  • NORMA CONSEIL RH - Staff and Recruitment officer

    2007 - 2008 * Management, follow­up of recruitment projects and closing.
  • Quality Inn Hotel - Receptionist & Operator

    2000 - 2005 Positions as receptionist and operator, saleswoman, administrative and telemarketing agent in temporary contract​
    (Quality Inn Hotel, Mondial Assistance, H2A, LD Cable, Teleperformance, CCA, Unibox, Class'photo)



Annuaire des membres :