


En résumé

Au cours des 14 années que compte ma carrière, j'ai pu travailler dans les différents services qui composent une unité de production, ce qui m'a permis de comprendre les rouages d'une usine et le fonctionnement d'un groupe afin d'atteindre la direction générale d'un centre de profit.

Ces expériences pour la plupart internationales, m'ont permis d'obtenir un niveau bilingue en Anglais et Espagnol ainsi qu'une maîtrise (à rafraichir) de l'Allemand.

Ingénieur de formation, mes expériences professionnelles dans l'automobile, l'emballage, l'aéronautique m'ont permis de comprendre les dimensions, humaines des décisions, culturelles des individus, et l'importance de l'adhésion dans un processus de changement ou d'amélioration.

Je place aujourd'hui la communication, la relation humaine et leur qualité au centre du progrès et de l'amélioration continue.

Adepte des techniques de résolution de problèmes Lean et 6 Sigma, je suis persuadé que ces dernières peuvent s'adapter à tout type de difficulté afin de trouver une solution.

La rigueur et la discipline sont bien-sûr des atouts supplémentaires qui permettront d'atteindre le résultat.

J'avance avec conviction, persuasion et surtout, en équipe, parfois imposant un rythme soutenu. L'exigeance avec les autres commence par soit même, et je m'impose donc une exemplarité dans mes actions ou interventions.

La finalité, bien entendu, est de rester concentré et focalisé sur le résultat.

Mes compétences :
Dirección general
Direction générale
Lean 6 sigma



    SURESNES maintenant
  • Eaton

    montbonnot saint martin maintenant
  • Injection Molding - Deputy CEO

    2013 - maintenant Injection Molding, Healthcare and electronics, 48 M€, 600 people, 6 plants (France, Poland, Mexico)
  • REXAM Personal Care - Plant Manager

    2011 - 2013
  • ALLTUB MEXICO - General Manager

    2008 - 2011 ALLTUB previously ALCAN PACKAGING (Santa Clara, Mexico)
    Business : Aluminium tubes manufacturing for cosmetic, pharma, mass businesses. Aluminium extrusion, trimming, printing knowledge.
    Key achievements : Acquisition of a plant, reorganisation (legal and operation) and implementation of a growth program including 7 to 8 new lines : building, work force, sales development. Including definition of an involvement program, talent hiring and training. Transfer of technology and key customers from Europe such as L’Oréal and P&G.

    350 people, from 7 to 13 M€ turnover in 2 years (aim : 25 in 4 years)
  • ALCAN PACKAGING - Plant Manager

    Montréal 2002 - 2008 ALCAN PACKAGING (Sainte Ménéhould and Vienne le Château, France)
    Plant Manager (previously continuous improvement manager and production manager)
    Business : Laminate and plastic tubes manufacturing for cosmetic, luxury, pharma, mass businesses. Injection, extrusion, printing knowledge.
    Key achievements : 4 M€ cost reduction, transfer of a plant from Czech Republic to France including setters skills development (capacity x 3 in 1 year).
    Lean transformation management in a demanding business with local competitors. Leadership, product and process development leading to strategic plan definition (investments, products, customers).
    Process analysis (flow, VSM) and improvement using Lean and 6 sigma tools and techniques while implementing Lean philosophy. Performance management and tracking leading to new organizations and cost reductions.

    300 people, 40 M€ turnover, 4 M€ savings
  • EATON - Black Belt, Industrial and Lean manufacturing manager

    montbonnot saint martin 1999 - 2002 EATON AUTOMOTIVE PSCO (Monaco) 1999 - 2002
    Lean manager & 6 sigma coordinator
    Business : Actuators and sensors design and industrialisation. Fuel vapour valves, air conditioning motors flap control, gear shifting valves, fuel injection valves, …
    Key achievements : 0,7 M€ cost reduction
    Implementation of a clean room and technical management of this one. Line industrialisation and improvement (scrap, productivity). Product development including design and prototypes testings.
    Green belt management and Lean, 6 sigma training organization. Savings tracking.

    0,7 M€ savings
  • VALEO AUTOMOTIVE THERMICS SYSTEMS - Export & PSA quality project manager

    1997 - 1999 Business : Engine cooling and air conditioning radiators assembly.
    Key achievements : improvement of new technologies and assembly lines, in a multiproject team for PSA, VW.
    Kaïzen events leader and quality tools trainer.
    Interlocutor of all german and english customer plus PSA. Project management from prototypes to SOP (mass production). Product improvement and cost reduction.

    84 k€ savings per line

    1996 - 1997 Passed the exam as ENPRO officer (ORSA)
  • TRW CARR FRANCE - Manufacturing engineer (Trainee and contract) 7 months)

    1996 - 1996 Manufacturing Engineer and project manager (training and contract)
    Business : development, conception, engineering, injection and assembly of plastic clips solutions (fasteners). Mould definition and realization.
    Key achievements : flow analysis and improvement, definition and implementation of a bar coding system and a workshop electronic supervisor.
    90 k€ annual savings and tracability control implementation.
  • EUROCOPTER MARIGNANE - Manufacturing and quality engineer (Training 5 months)

    1995 - 1995 Business : helipcopter manufacturer.
    Key achievements : implementation a new method to define the assembly control plan of an aircraft using project team management approach. Methods shared with ESA (SPOT) regarding risk analysis and deployed on military fighting helicopter Tiger competing with the American Apache.
  • TRW UNITED CARR ENGLAND - Manufacturing engineer (Trainee and contract, 7 months)

    1994 - 1994 Aylesbury, ENGLAND
    Business : development, conception, engineering, manufacturing and assembly of plastic and metal clips solutions (fasteners). Implementation of coatings against rust. Tools definition and realization.
    Key achievements : development of a phosphate solution, improvement of usual finishes processes (Zn plating, painting) to achieve better salt spray resistance. Salt spray resistance x5 on metallic clips.


  • EATON Learning Institute ELS (Detroit)

    Detroit 1999 - 2001 6 sigma and Lean Manufacturing

    Black Belt certification
  • Ecole Nationale D'Ingénieur De Saint Etienne (Saint Etienne)

    Saint Etienne 1991 - 1996 Génie Mécanique
  • Lycée AUX Lazaristes

    Lyon 1990 - 1991 TE spéciale BAC E
  • Lycée La Martiniere Duchere (Lyon)

    Lyon 1987 - 1990 BAC C
Annuaire des membres :