


En résumé

Global business development professional with over 15 years of international business experience & 5 years in marketing innovative solutions. I have worked in Germany, France & Sweden.

Passionate in new technologies, especially the digital world, & in international economy/politics.
My professional objective is to promote innovative solutions with strong impact on business in an international context.

I have a strong expertise in learning through technology & in Northern/Eastern Europe.
I have a true passion for these countries, their cultures & their languages.


International Business Development
Solution selling
Improving Global performance, Increasing Efficiency, Reducing Costs, Measuring ROI from global programs
Social learning & web 2.0
Cloud computing / SAAS
Change management
Northern & Eastern Europe & Russia
Sales of innovative solutions & services to C level people.
New technologies
International relations/geopolitics

Mes compétences :
Relations internationales
Intelligence économique
Business development
Venture Capital
Cloud computing
Nouvelles technologies
Développement commercial


  • 7Speaking - Directeur en charge de la stratégie et du développement international

    Paris 2013 - 2014
  • GlobalEnglish, a Pearson PLC company - Market Business Development France

    2012 - 2013 after the acquisition of Globalenglish by Pearson I focused on developing the Globalenglish presence in France
  • GlobalEnglish - International Account Director

    2005 - 2012 SAAS company, one of the 50 most dynamic of the silicon valley several years in a row, providing a solution for better international communication capabilities for all employees of large corporation.
    Sales to Corporate customers among the top 200 European companies. Worldwide reponsability.
    I currently manage the relation with more than 20 global companies headquartered in several European countries.
    Contact with C level Executives
    Developed the collaboration with major names such as ABB, Siemens, Nestlé, BNP Paribas......
  • Auralog - Business Development Manager en Europe

    STRASBOURG 2001 - 2004 Sales to European large corporations. E-learning web based solutions
  • Bewator (Stockholm) - Responsable de zone export

    1999 - 2001 Poste en Suède.
    Développement et animation d'un réseau de vente indirecte en Europe du sud: prospection, sélection des distributeurs, aspects contractuels (engagement minimal et plan d'actions), formation, séminaire distributeurs, négociation avec centrale des grossistes, support technique et commercial...
  • Optima Batteries AB (Suède) - Commercial export

    1996 - 1999 Poste en Suède (Stockholm)
    Création d'un réseau de vente indirecte en Europe de l'Est, animation des distributeurs en Allemagne, France, Italie et Espagne. Organisation de séminaires de présentation produit, formation des distribueurs, plan d'actions, accompagnement du réseau de vente des distributeurs..;
  • KSB - Chef de produit et Coordinateur marketing Europe ( France + Germany)

    Genevilliers 1991 - 1996 2 ans en France en tant que chef de produit (étude de marché, outils d'aide à la vente, communication, lancement de produit..;)
    puis 3 ans en Allemagne en tant que responsable marketing Europe (plan marketing, adaptation des outils marketing aux marchés européens, vente aux entreprises scandinaves...)



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