


En résumé

I am a hard-working student looking for a 6 months internship (February 2014 - July 2014) and working towards three Master degrees at the same time :
- an Engineer's degree in Biotechnology in Polytech Marseille (formerly ESIL)
- a Master's degree in Bioinformatics, Structural Biochemistry and Genomics
- a Master's degree in Management in Kedge Business School (formerly Euromed Management)

Thanks to my engineering training in biotechnology, I have fundamental knowledge about structural biochemistry and protein engineering. Even if my training allowed me to learn many in vitro experimental techniques, my particular affinity for the computer tool has prompted me to pay more attention to in silico techniques.
That is why I undertook in parallel the Master's degree in Bioinformatics, Structural Biochemistry and Genomics.

Mes compétences :
Molecular dynamics
Molecular modelling
Computational chemistry
Drug design
Drug discovery
Computational Genomics
Reproducible research
Design of Experiments
High performance computing


  • Inserm - Research Engineer Bioinformatics/Biostatistics

    PARIS 13 2015 - maintenant Main project: Development of a reproducible and scalable analysis workflow for high-throughput sequencing technologies (mainly RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, MNase-Seq) available on GEO/SRA/ENSEMBL.
    Technologies: Linux, Bash, R/Bioconductor, Python, Snakemake, Conda, Docker, Knitr.
  • AstraZeneca - Placement Student in Discovery Sciences Chemistry Innovation Centre

    Rueil-Malmaison 2014 - 2014 Project 1: Assessing the performance of main binding affinity prediction techniques in a hit-to-lead context: Comparison of docking score, MM-GBSA and Free Energy Perturbation.
    Acquired skills: Reproducible research with R, Knitr, LaTeX and Reveal.js, Schrödinger software suite (Maestro, Prime, Glide), OpenEyes software suite (ROCS, Freeform), MOE.

    Project 2: Development of a 3D chemical visualizer for protein-ligand complexes running in standard, modern web browser without plugins or extensions.
    Acquired skills: Web development, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and some existing Javascript libraries (three.js, jQuery, node.js, reveal.js), Django.

    Project 3: Peptidic macrocycle drug design in the Hit-to-Lead phase. Proposing a rational selection of peptidic mutations to try on a macrocycle inhibitor of an oncology target in order to improve its binding affinity and reduce its size.
    Acquired skills: in silico residue scanning with MOE, enhanced sampling molecular dynamics techniques (MCSD, REMD, REST)
  • CNRS - Research Intern

    Paris 2013 - 2013 Introduction to docking, pharmacophore filtering and virtual screening of chemical libraries.

    Field : Cheminformatics, Ligand-based virtual screening, Docking

    Tools : SYBYL-X, VMD, Pymol
  • CNRS - Research Intern

    Paris 2013 - 2013 In silico study of the molecular basis of the NTAIL/XD interaction of the measles virus.

    Field : Cheminformatics, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Modelling

    Tools : SYBYL-X, CHARMM, NAMD, ACEMD, VMD, Pymol
  • Ipsogen - Assistant achat et logistiques (internship)

    Marseille 2012 - 2012 Reorganization of the location of raw materials in the intern store in order to maximize space and facilitate research. Writing of a protocol to define the steps to be followed for the storage of new raw materials.


  • Aix-Marseille University (Marseille)

    Marseille 2016 - maintenant Ph.D. Bioinformatics Genomics Statistics
  • Faculté Des Sciences De Luminy / Aix Marseille University (Marseille)

    Marseille 2013 - 2014 Master's degree, Bioinformatics, Structural Biochemistry and Genomics

    Significant courses: Statistical analysis of genomic data, Graphs and networks of biological interactions, Bioinformatics methods for cis-regulation.
  • KEDGE Business School (Ex Euromed Management)

    Marseille 2012 - 2015 Master of Science in Management

    Significant courses: Team Management, Project Management, Human Ressource Management, Marketing.
    Significant team work project: Consulting mission for Sartorius Stedim Biotech, ADC market study and analysis in order to determine the company supply adequacy to current and future demand, 5-month project, team of 6 people.
  • Polytech Marseille / Aix Marseille University (Marseille)

    Marseille 2011 - 2014 Master's degree, Biological Engineering

    Significant courses: Bioinformatics, Protein Engineering, Drug Design, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Modeling, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Genetic Engineering.
    Significant team work project: Theoretical creation of a start-up, development and production of two recombinant therapeutic proteins in yeast and bacteria, definition of the entire biotechnological c


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