


En résumé

Mes compétences :
International Financial Reporting
Due Diligence
financial statements
International Accounting Standards
company management
Multi-National Auditing
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Initial Public Offerings
Financial Engineering
Corporate Law
Cash Flows
Balance Sheet


  • EY (Ernst & Young) - Services Manager

    Courbevoie 2007 - maintenant Duties
    * Discuss the strategic position and the strategic plan with the company
    * Perform analytical review of the company financial statements and inquire about
    unexpected variation,
    * Review the company internal procedures and controls ;
    * Design a testing program to inquire confidence in the design and the application
    of all relevant controls and mainly those related to risky and significant accounts,
    * Distribute those tasks to the audit team; supervise the execution and preparing a
    management letter to describe our finding and improvement recommendations,
    * Planning and supervising the execution of the auditing program for all sections
    such us, non current assets, inventories, current assets, customers, suppliers,
    cash and cash equivalent, revenues, salaries, etc...
    * Audit the compliance with tax and legal law ;
    * Check the preparation and presentation of the financial statements (income
    statements, cash flows statements, balance sheet, notes to the financial
    * Check compliance the International accounting standards IFRS ;
    * Preparing a summary review memorandum including our audit differences and
    our tax and legal findings,
    * Discuss all issues with partner and company management ;
  • Ernst & Young - Trainer

    Courbevoie 2007 - 2014 stitution Topic
    2 days per year Ernst & Young IFRS (IFRS accreditation)
    Various courses on line in
    60H/year Ernst & Young IFRS, IT Security, audit,
    fraud detection, risk

    - IFRS ;
  • Ernst & Young - Manager

    Courbevoie 2007 - maintenant


  • EY (Tunis)

    Tunis 2012 - 2014 CA Qualification
  • ISACA (Isaca)

    Isaca 2011 - 2011 Member of ISACA

    Candidate to CISA.
  • Faculty Of Economic And Management (Tunis)

    Tunis 2006 - 2007 CES
  • ISG TUNIS (Tunis)

    Tunis 2001 - 2007 Révision Comptable
  • Institut Supérieur De Gestion (Tunis)

    Tunis 2001 - 2005 Bachelors Degree


Annuaire des membres :