
Hélène VIAL


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Sphinx Software
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access


  • Militzer & Münch - Logistics Coordinator North Africa - Militzer & Münch GmbH

    2017 - maintenant Tasks:
    Develop business activity between the southern Germany area and Maghreb countries : Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia
    - Creation of a new road-transport line
    - Competitive benchmarking
    - Negotiation of freight rates with carriers
    - Sales lead and update of the CRM data base for south Germany
    - Ensure coordination and communication between teams in Germany, in France and in Maghreb countries
    - Price quotation

    Ensure follow-up of exports and imports operations for North Africa :
    - Organise pick-ups and plan deliveries : for groupage and full shipments
    - Control and prepare customs documents ( EUR 1, EURMED, Carnet ATA)
    - Following-up and prepare customs procedure
    - Customer care

    Operational and commercial management of exports and imports for Greece :
    - Ensure operationnal and commercial following-up of the full and groupage shipments
    - Price quotation

    Support to the East Europe Department and Middle East Department
  • Militzer & Münch - Logistics Coordinator

    2016 - 2017 Tasks:
    Participation and support to the devlopment of the business activity between Germany and North Africa : Morocco and Tunisia
    - Elaboration of 2 weekly roundtrips between Germany & Morocco and Germany & Tunisia
    - Create the link between the foreign branches : german, french, morrocan and tunisian
    ensure the coordination and communication between the teams to implement the new round trips
    following up of the smooth running of these new round trips and settle corrective actions on the operational organisation (tarifs inter-branches rates, communication, IT...)

    Ensure the following up of the exports & imports operations with Morocco in coordination with local team:
    - Setting up pick ups and deliveries
    - Control and provide customs documents ( EUR 1, EURMED, ATA Carnet)
    - Prepare files for customs
    - Conduct the plannification and the optiöization of the groupage trucks
    - Customer care
  • Militzer & Münch France - Exploitante service Pays de l'Est

    2015 - 2016 Operations in East Europe Department (Road) :
    - Plannification of pick ups, deliveries and charters between France and East Europe ( with a focal with Germany & Austria)
    - Customer care
    - Negotiation with carrier for freight rates

    Support to the Maghreb Road Department:
    - operations
    - invoicing
  • Militzer & Münch France - Stagiaire (2 mois) puis Alternant (1 an)

    2015 - 2015 Appui au service facturation Maghreb

    Soutient aux services import et export (Maghreb, Pays de l'Est et Overseas)
    - planification des enlèvements, livraisons et affrètements
    - préparation douane
    - préparation des remorques

    Soutient au services commerciaux aérien et maritime
    - création des cotations
    - relance des cotations
  • ALM International - Stage Prospection

    2012 - 2013 Recherche de nouveaux clients potentiels pour un produit spécifique en Allemagne
    Identification de clients potentiels
    Création d’une base de données
    Prospection (mailing et phoning)
    Prise de contacts et de rendez-vous
    Compte rendu et proposition
  • Mazars - Stage Secteur Public

    Paris La Défense 2011 - 2011 Appui à l’assistante de l’Associé chargé du secteur public
    Participation à une mission de conseil pour la création d'une Communauté de Commune dans les Yvelines


  • Fachhochschule Münster (Münster)

    Münster 2012 - 2013 ERASMUS
  • Ecole De Management De Normandie

    Caen 2010 - 2015 Master 2 - Supply Chain Management & International Logistics

    Une formation généraliste sur quatre ans, puis une spécialisation appuyée par une expérience en alternance pour la dernière année en spécialisation.
  • Lycée Alain

    Le Vesinet 2007 - 2010 Baccalauréat
Annuaire des membres :