
Jacques RECORD


En résumé

My main current areas of executive expertise are:
- Ability to manage at Board level IT Services companies, everywhere in Europe and in Brazil
- Ability to participate in the development of the business in almost every country (including trough potential acquisitions)
- Ability to integrate and to reorganize new entities within a Group, ability to audit and give recommendations.
- Strong knowledge in HR topics including foreign countries
- An effective coordination of partnerships management at Worldwide level.
- Setting-up commercial links, shared presales database, resources interchange between international subsidiairies.
- Transplanting existing innovative and profitable business between countries.

Mes compétences :


  • DEVOTEAM S.A. Poland Warsaw - President and CEO

    2011 - maintenant President of the Management Board of Devoteam S.A. Poland (merge of Wola Info SA, Noblestar, Devoteam Polska)
    President of the Supervisory Board of CRM S.A. Training & Consulting subsidiary of Devoteam S.A. Poland .

    Operational CEO for Devoteam activities in Poland, working in Warsaw.
  • WOLA INFO Warsaw Poland - President and CEO

    2010 - 2011 Managing the integration of WolaInfo (Warsaw Poland) within Devoteam Group up to the change in name now Devoteam S.A. Poland.
    Managing Director of all the Polish subsidiaries, directly reporting to the Corporate Board.
  • WOLA INFO S.A. Warsaw Poland - VP in the Management Board

    2010 - 2010 In Charge of Post merger integration after the acquisition of WOLA INFO by Devoteam Group.
    Audit, recommendation for reorganization, support of the local executive team .
  • DEVOTEAM - Chief Human Resource Officer for France

    Levallois-Perret 2009 - 2010 In charge or the reorganization of all the HR french entities from Devoteam (recruitment, soft skills, carrier development, payroll, education, HR administration). Management of the teams, internal Audit, recommendation to the board.
  • DEVOTEAM Group - General Manager Solutions

    Levallois-Perret 2007 - maintenant At Corporate level, in charge of the Group coordination for the european subsidiaries, specifically for Integration and Expertise businesses in term of: Business development, Solutions offering, Resources sharing, Partnerships.
  • Devoteam Polska Warsaw Poland - Corporate Manager

    2007 - 2011 President of Devoteam Polska up to its merge within Devoteam S.A. Poland
  • DEVOTEAM SA France - Directeur Général Adjoint

    2004 - 2007 Member of the senior management team.
    In charge of : organization plan, specialised Business Units development, social responsabilities .
  • APOGEE Communications SA - Directeur Général

    1994 - 2004 member of the board from 1994 to 2000, Deputy CEO in 1998,CEO from 2000 to 2004
  • Siemens SNI - Directeur Centre de Formation Clients

    1989 - 1994 Managing the french Customer Training Center plus in charge of the European SNI Telecom Courses.
  • ULTIMATE Corp. - Presales Executive

    1987 - 1989 US company (NJ), European Office in Paris, in charge of European presales activities (USSR, Belgium, Switzerland, ...)
  • INTERTECHNIQUE IN2 - Responsable Assistance Conseil Sud Est

    1984 - 1987 Based in marseille, manager in charge of the Consulting activities for IN2 in South East french Region (Lyon/Marseille/nice).
  • SFENA - Responsable Centre Technique Aix en Provence

    Paris 1974 - 1984 Formerly starting in Chatellerault (France 86) at a position of Engineer in Aeronautics equipments, I joined the brand new Computer activity as Manager of the Aix en Provence technical center in 1978.



Annuaire des membres :