


En résumé

Large expérience à l'international dans les principaux pays du G20 dans le domaine de la finance et du risk management. Anglais, allemand, italien et espagnol courant. connaissance de base en turc.

Mes compétences :
Risk management


  • Denizbank - Dexia Turkey - Director

    2007 - maintenant • Definition of an integration plan regarding Finance and Risk Management areas in close relation with local Chief Risk Officer and Chief Financial Officer including alignment to international standards
    • Design of an ALM model for the Denizbank group according to its main risks and currencies (YTL, USD, RUR and EUR) and for its Russian subsidiary (USD and RUR) taking into consideration emerging market specificities and constraints; steering of their implementation
    • Design of a IFRS strategy including hedge accounting implementation (first implementation in Turkish banking industry)
    • Steering as project leader of Bale II project implementation according to Dexia norms
    Management and coordination of several multi entities teams with a reporting line to Dexia executive committee.
  • Dexia SA - Senior project manager

    La Défense 2006 - 2006 • Elaboration of a business plan regarding financial markets activities for a possible implementation of Dexia in Japan and steering of Dexia Japan branch’s opening in its first phase
    • Participation to TFM and elaboration of Dexia financial activities’ development plan; steering of its implementation for its first phase
    • Participation to group definition regarding credit value adjustment (IFRS requirement) and its management
    • Participation to definition of a group wide IT platform for Financial Markets activities
    Management and coordination of several multi entities teams.
  • Dexia Credit Local, Paris - Head of Organisation - Capital Markets

    2004 - 2005 • New activities development:
    • definition and steering of a project aiming to allow internal hedgings of structured loans within Dexia
    • definition and steering of a project aiming to obtain a fair value for illiquid assets (public finance and emerging markets) thanks to a new methodology based on default probabilities and realisation of an IT group based solution
    • TFM integration :
    • participation to a new organisation definition for capital markets department
    • steering within TFM of the German subsidiary DKD
    • follow up of Dexia New York branches merger and steering of a derivative products local book implementation for the new merged branch
    • Capital Markets department organization: equity optimisation through implementation of a monitoring process
    • Follow up of external and internal audits
    • Coordination of Financial Markets business analysts (front, middle and back offices) and responsible for IT means for Financial Markets business line in transversal projects within the bank
    Management and coordination of interdepartmental teams.
  • Dexia Crediop, Rome - Italy - Head of Risk Management and Financial planning and management department

    2000 - 2003 • Implementation of Risk Management department allowing daily and intra day computations of risks indicators according to TFM activity lines, fair value computations and classification according to IFRS practice of financial markets instruments, steering of a remote access Murex implementation
    • Design and implementation of an ALM model according to risks embedded in the balance sheet and co-development with Prometeia (main Italian software company within this sector) of an ALM software
    • Implementation of an Operational Risk department
    • Implementation of annual budget and multi annual strategic processes on the Dexia Italian platform including their monitoring
  • Dexia Hypothekenbank in Berlin, Berlin - Germany - Board of directors advisor

    1999 - 1999 Main achievementa in ALM, Risk Management and Financial Controlling areas including analytical review and analysis of financial statements and implementation of a methodology allowing an assessment of the bank’s fair value. Assignment led to a strategic decision.
    Coordination of several multi entities teams.
  • Credit Local de France, Paris - Internal auditor

    1997 - 1999 Responsible for auditing international subsidiaries and branches (Spain, Sweden, USA, UK, Germany, Italy and Austria) as well as head office audits. Participation in Crediop acquisition due diligences.
    Management of auditors teams.
  • Ernst & Young Audit and Consulting , Bank – Finance Group, Paris - Audit supervisor and Senior Consultant Bank – Finance

    1993 - 1996 Clients in the banking industry for audit legal assignments together with special assignements in ALM and Risk Management in France and the UK: review of CAD internal models and valuations models, foreign exchange and interest rates risks desks audits, participation to the creation of a dealing room in Morocco (6 months assignment).
  • Paribas - Indosuez and Credit Suisse First Boston - Several positions in dealing room, back office

    1989 - 1991 Paribas : Swaps Back office, French and US products administrative assistant.
    CSFB : Treasury daily management (cash and repos) and foreign exchange transactions. Dealing room profitability analysis.
    Indosuez : Foreign exchange options desk, trader assistant (simulations and hedgings of the portfolios thanks to swaps, forward and spot)



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