


En résumé

J'ai eu l'occasion au travers de mon parcours, de pouvoir cumuler une expérience marketing/business gloable : produit en tant que chef produit, communication comme chef de publicité en agence et responsable marketing chez un annonceur, et enfin stratégique par la gestion business du P&L de différentes catégories de produits.
Aujourd'hui je mets à profit ces expériences cumulées dans des fonctions stratégiques à la direction de mon entreprise.

Mes compétences :
Adobe Flash
Community management
Information Technology
Business development
Gestion de produits
Gestion de projet


  • Hewlett Packard - Secrétaire Général

    COURTABOEUF 2015 - maintenant Direction Générale
  • - HEWLETT PACKARD France | HP - Funder lead of HP inc. in France

    2015 - 2015 Lead of the creation of HP Inc. in France following the split of Hewlett Packard in two seperated compagnies (Hewlett Packard Enterprise & HP Inc.).
    - Lead & Management of the overall process for the creation of HP in France
    - Coordination, process of management with all experts teams

    Scope of Work:
    HR process with Unions and Work Councils, Tax and legal plan, IT, Legal entity set up, Customs, Supply Chain, Real Estate, Marketing & Communication, Management of Change, Controllership & Finance, Internal communication, Launch Events.
  • - HEWLETT PACKARD France | HP - Chief of staff & strategic planner - Printing and personal systems group

    2014 - 2015
  • HP France - Area category manager (Consumer PC & tablets)

    COURTABOEUF 2012 - 2014 - In charge of P&L management, top line & bottom line (Consumer Pcs & Tablets).
    - New product introduction, pricing and portfolio management.
    - Key metrics monitoring with sales managers.
    - Weekly financial forecast and monthly production forecast delivery.
    - Definition of marketing requirements and planning with marketing team.
    - Manage relationship with key partners (Intel, NVidia, AMD, Microsoft).
  • Hewlett Packard - Marketing, Communication & PR manager

    COURTABOEUF 2010 - 2012 Management of the marketing plan for France. I was in charge of all marketing activities for end users included Advertising, Communication, PR management, Promotions & In store activities. I worked closely with retailers, sales and category people to drive efficiency of business activities.

    Key achievement:
    - Management of Marketing Budget: 4M$
    - National media campaign for new line up introduction.
    - Staff achievement: market share +3 pts since one year, revenue + 3pts

    Awards: Special mention for “best end user communication in 2011” Strategies awards.
    Silver ”Mobile Awards 2011” most innovative communication on mobile.
    HP Marketing & Design Awards 2010 (internal award).marketing.
  • Hewlett Packard - Consumer / trade marketing manager

    COURTABOEUF 2008 - 2010 In charge of marketing plan execution, I was taking care of communication with a main focus on retail activities. I managed all initiatives within co-partnership with key accounts (CES/MM/OER): category management, promotional calendar and in store execution.

    Key achievement:
    - Drive category management projects in 4 major retail accounts.
    - Implementation of 50 new Branded stores in retail: Shop in Shop (140% vs objectives).
    - Launch of HP social media activity.

    Awards: Best digital campaign “2009 Marketing digital Strategies awards”.
  • Publicis dialog - Account project manager

    2006 - 2008 I was in charge creating & implementing above & below the line activities for HP France. We managed the execution of promotional activities, POS deployment, advertising concept and media dispositive.



Annuaire des membres :