


En résumé

Mes compétences :
accompagnement du changement
management de projet
Gestion de Configuration avion
Prévention des risques psychosociaux
Certification et navigabilité
systeme qualité


  • Airbus - Responsable de la prévention des risques psychosociaux

    Blagnac 2011 - maintenant Responsable du déploiment de toutes les activités de prévention des risques psychosociaux conformément à la politique de Airbus Group incluant la surveillance et l'évaluation des risques, les actions réparatrices et d'anticipation au niveau individuel et collectif.
    Coordinateur du réseau de responsables de prévention RPS au niveau du groupe
  • Airbus - Change management

    Blagnac 2009 - 2011 -Building and testing of the Leadership referential and link with the engagement
    -Building and testing of the Preventative methodology for psychosocial risks in project and organisation changes

  • Airbus - Responsable industriel du projet de création de la filiale Aerolia

    Blagnac 2008 - 2009 Industrial workstream leader for carve-out of Aerolia
    -coordination of all internal Airbus action plans in the engineering, manufacturing, environnement, R&D fields to prepare the carve out of Nose fuselage activities (Meaulte, St Nazaire-ville and Toulouse sites for a total headcount»2200p and 520m EUR turnover) into new Aerolia subsidiary while insuring operational continuity
    -leading prestudy for complete separation scenarios of PAG and Aerolia subsidiaries (IT ERP, PLM, Infrastructure, supply-chain and manufacturing & financial aspects)
  • AIRBUS - A380 NCF head of customisation and configuration management

    Blagnac 2005 - 2008 -head of version management team and NCF ``change specification factory''
    -ensure monitoring of the change control process for both standard and customisation changes until aircraft delivery. (» 1000 modifications per year)
    -team leader of one Power 8 project on A/C changes to save yearly 30M EUR
  • AIRBUS - Responsable interface et customisation

    Blagnac 2001 - 2005 customisation process owner: deployment of tools and processes to evaluate and integrate into modifications the 200 to 300 specific Request For Change's of each Airline fleet ;
    - head of the version management team coordinating actions from engineering to industrial to achieve A/C section delivery on time, according Airbus standard and customer spec.
  • AIRBUS - Airworthiness engineer

    Blagnac 2000 - 2001 technical coordination on continued airworthiness on A320 fleet (aircraft incident)
    -negociation of some A318 certification basis with US FAA (windmilling)
  • Aerospatiale-Matra - Design Assurance Coordinator

    1996 - 2000 *Responsible for surveillance/maintenance of the Design Organisation Approval
    - A-M representative in the Airbus team interfacing with JAA Aviation Authority
    - Audit program preparation, follow-up of corrective actions
    - Qualified auditor on Airbus & Honeywell, Sextant, GE, P&W, ALN design processes.
    - Quality correspondant and responsible for the certification training course
  • AEROSPATIALE DEFENSE - Program Engineer

    1993 - 1996 Program Engineer: responsible for Aster missile antiballistical versions
    -Negociating the contracts for technical and financial aspects (scheduling and pricing)
    -Coordinating the work made internaly, by sub-contractors or partners: Dasa, Alenia
    -Technical synthesis and elaboration of some system specifications
    -Financial and timescale follow-up, program review and presentation to the customers
    Defense Agencies: french DGA, German BWB.
  • AEROSPATIALE - Program Engineer-responsable for anti ballistic missile version of Aster

    1990 - 1993 in the scope of the franco-italian cooperation, program coordination for AS/Alenia interfaces, implementation of the system simulation software and associated methodologies for design studies on the italian site.
    - technical support for system evaluation and improvements of related software.
    -system performance studies (missile+radar, electronic counter-measures...)
  • Aerospatiale - System Engineer

    1990 - 1990 technical specification for the flight control actuators.
    -system performance analysis for the flight domain definition
  • Aerospatiale - Research and Development Engineer

    1988 - 1989 design and development of the electronic control board of an electrical actuator
    -design and development of a real-time simulator applied to the non linear PIF-PAF
    propulsion systems of the Aster missile.
  • Aerospatiale Production - Engineer

    1987 - 1988 involved in the prototype and electrical wiring production team
    -participation in the development test compaign of a pyrotechnic engine/propellor
    -design and realisation of an analogical/digital electronic board for simulator.
  • Matra - Engineer trainee

    1987 - 1987 Engineer trainee in Matra satellite control department
    - theoretical study of the robustness in system control ;
    - application on satellite solar panel stabilisation



Annuaire des membres :